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Economics 248
Professors Hansen and Williams

A. Public Finance Textbooks ,.„•••* o •<>
B* National Income and S :>cial Accounting • • ....,..•••••....••.•



A. Keynes r s General Theory: Some Current Interpretations and Appraisals.
B. Hicks-Harrod Analysis of Stable Growth .„...,
C. Modern Theory of Income Determination
1." Theoretical Concepts:
a. Consumption Function Controversy
b. Multiplier Principle; Velocity Analysis; Model Sequences ....
c. The Acceleration Principle and the Theory of Investment



JTo Consumption/Saving and Investment Behavior
1. Influence of Asset Structures on Consumption-Investment Decisions 10-11
B. Income and Wealth: Studies in Income Distribution--By Size and Type.. 11-13
C. Income Redistribution through Public Finance
1. Impact of Public Expenditures and Taxation
2. Taxable Capacity and Tax Burdens ... . •


A. Stagnationist Theory--Controversies of Pre- and Post-War Period
B. Capital Formation and Processes of Economic Change and Growth
1. Technology, Population, and Investment:
a. Population Factors in Economic^ Fluctuations
b. Innovations, Technology, and Business Fluctuations
c. Inventories and Cyclical Instability
d. Building-Transport Cycles .•...•••.•.•.•.••...•.•
„ . 20
C. Financial Structure and Economic Growth
1. Institutional Savings-Investment: Some Trends and Their Implications .». o»o ••„ *<>..»,» o .«>o * <> .,.*„.. o..» 9o o ...o ... 9«,. 99o
2. Corporate Earnings, Savings, and Capital Investment ....
.# 22-24


A. General Discussions .„..„*.'..o.*.I *«•.•„•....•
B* Tax and Budget Problems and Policies
1. Tax Revenues and Federal Expenditures .•...«............. t
2. Federal Budget in Theory and Practice •..„••••.........
a. Some Current Debates on the Budget:
(1) Balanced Budget Theorem
(2) Budget Flexibility and ?Built-in! Stabilizers

„ 26






3. Taxation: Instruments and Objectives:
a. Income and Profits Taxation--Principles and Practices
(1) Progressivity •...
(2) Profits Taxation
b. Federal Taxation of Capital Gains
c. Commodity Taxation: Sales and Excise Taxes
d. Estate, Inheritance, and Gift Taxation
e. Property Taxation
C. Public Expenditure in Fiscal Theory .....•••....


. *.. 30
•• 34-35

A. Tax Policy for a Dynamic Economy
1. Incidence and Effects of Income and Profits Taxation .....
2. Taxation and Incentives
3. Special Problems in Business Taxation:
a. Corporate Taxation and Business Structure .... •,............. * . 38
b. Influence of Tax Policy on Business Financing and Investment . 39-40
c. Depreciation as a Tax Problem
B. The Role of Public Expenditures
1. Government Expenditures: Patterns and Trends
2. Aspects of Public Investment:
a. Public Works as a Depression Fiscal Policy
b. Public Expenditures and Welfare Programs •
, . . 43-44
c. Housing and Urban Redevelopment
,.. 44-47
d. Highway Programs and Transportation: Aids and Subsidies
e. Public Policy and Problems of Conservation and Regional or
State Resource Development



A. Monetary-Fiscal vs. Other Measures for Stability and Expansion ....... 54-55
B. Wage-Price Policy
C. Monetary Policy and Debt Management in the United States
D« Fiscal Program of the Republican Administration

Econonics 248
^Professors Hansen and Williams/

For an excellent collection of readings in the area of fiscal theory
and policy, students are referred to the new volume in the American Economic
Association series, READINGS IN FISCAL POLICY, edited by A. Smithies and
J. K. Butters [Homewood, irwin, 1955J; a nd also to the bibliography therein
fpp« 558-961 for additional reading suggestions.






•* Especially Recommended


* 10 o



Public Finance Textbooks:



Brownlee, 0. H., <and Allen, E* D. ; Economics of Public Finance,
New York, Prentice-Hall, 2d rev. ed., 1954.
Buehler, A. G., Public Finance. New York, McGraw-Hill, 3d ed.,
Dalton, Hugh, Principles of Public Fiananceo New York, Praeger,
revo edo, 1955•
Due, John F o , Government Finance" An Economic Analysis. Homewood,
Irwin, 1954.
Groves, Ho Mo, Financing Government« New York, Holt, 4th rev. ed.,
1954 c
Hicks, Uo Ko, Public Finance, New York, Pitman, 1947.
Kehdrick, M» S*, Public Finance: Principles and Problems. Boston,
Houghton ,Mifflin, 1951.
Lindholm, R o W o , Public Finance and Fiscal .Policy. New York,
- Pitman, 1.950 o
Plank<, Eo Ho, Public Finance. Homewood, Irwin, 1953.
Shultz, ¥0 Jo, and Harriss, Co L o , American Public Finance. New
York, Prentice-Hall, 1954.

National Income and Social Accounting:

Downing, R* I o , National Income and Social Accounts» Melbourne,
University Press^ 1951•
Edey, H, Co, and Peacock, A o T., National Income and Social
Accountingo London, Hutchinson!s University Library, 1954.





Hicks, Jo R., Hart, iA* G,, and Ford, J. W., The Social Framework pf
the American Economy. New York, Oxford University JPress, rev.
ed., 1955.
Meade, J. E . ; and Stone, R, S., National Income and Expenditure.
Cambridge, Bowes and Bowes, 3d rev, ecL, 1952»
Morgan, Theodore, Income and Employment. New York, Prentice-Hall,
2d revo edo, 1952 0
Ohlsson, Ingvar, On National Accounting. Stockholm, Konjunkturinstitutet, 1953•
Ruggles, Richard, Introduction to National Income and Income Analysis,
New York, McGraw-Hill, 1949*
Schelling, T. C , National Income Behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill,
Shoup, Co So, Principles of National Income Analysis. New York,
Studinski, Paul, National Income Estimates t'Efe World OVer—History,
JTheory, and Practice. New York, New York University, 1955PART



Keynes T s General Theory:


Some Current Interpretations and Appraisals
Books 1



Burns, A. F», The Frontiers of Economic Knowledge. New York, National
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1954.
2. Clark, J. Mo, Guideposts in Time of Change. New York, Harper, 1949.
3. Hansen, A. H., A Guide to Keynes. New York, McGraw-Hill, 19534. Harris, S.. E. [Ed,'], The New Economics» New York, Knopf, 19475» Harrod, R. F*, The Life of John Maynard Keynes. New York, Harcourt,

Brace, I95TI
•^ 10.


Income, Employment and Public Policy, Essays in Honor of Alvin H. Hansen.
New York, Norton, 1 9 4 8 7
Klein, L, B., The Keynesian Revolution. New York, Macmillan, 1947.
Kurihara, K o K o ^ E d o j , Post-Keynesian Economicse New Brunswick,
Rutgers University Press, 1954c
Lerner, A Q Pc, Economics of EmploymentB New York,". McGraw-Hill, 1951.
Williams, Jo H», Economic Stability in a Changing World. New York,
Oxford University Press, 1953.? chaps„ 1 and 3°



Angell, Jo Wo, "Keynes and Economic Analysis Today," Review of Economics
and Statistics, Vol, 30, November, 1948.
Bishop, Go A., "A Note on the Overinvestment Theory of the Cyc;le and
Its Relation to the Keynesian Theory of Income," American Economic
Review, XLI, March, 1951, pp o 149-60.
Copland, D, B.,"Keynesian Reformation,"Occasional Paper No. 4. Delhi,
Ranjit Printers and Publishers, 1952, 62 pp.
de Jong, F. J., "Supply Functions in Keynesian Economics," Economic
Journal, LXIV, March, 1954, Comment by R.-G. Hawtrey, and Reply,
ibid,, w* 834-42.

5. Ellis, Ho S., "The State of the TNew Economics,1" American Economic
Review, XXXVII, March, 1947, pp. 465-77.
6. Fels, Rendigs, "The Re-examining of Keynesian Economics: A Comment,"
Southern Economic Journal, XIX, January, 195 3 j and Comment by
C« Philbrook,ibid.
7. Fukuoka, Masao, "Full Employment and Constant.Coefficients of Production,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX, February, 1955, PP* 23-44.
8. Harrod, R. F. and others, "Keynes 'Contributions to Economics—Four
Views,". Review of Economic -Statistics, Vol. 28, November, 1946.
9. Johnson, H. G., "Lord Keynes and Modern Economic Thought," Canadian
Forum, November, 195?.
10c Lindahl, Erik: "On Keynes1 Economic System," Economic Record, Pts. I-II,
Vol. 30, May, 1954, pp. 19-32; and November, 1954, pp. 159-71.
11. Polakoff, Murray, nSome Critical Observations on the Major Keynesian
Building Blocks, Southern Economic Journal, XXI, October, 1954.
12. Smithies, Arthur, "Reflections on the Work and Influence of J. M. Keynes,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXV, Nov., 1951 pp. 578-(j>01; comment
by Edwin Kuh and J. R. Meyer and Reply, ibid, LXVI, Aug., 1952,
PP. 450-59.
13. Vickrey, William, "Limitations of Keynesian Economics," Social Research,
December, 1948.
14. Wilson, T,, "A Reconsideration of the Theory of Effective Demand,"
Economica, XIV, November, 1947, pp. 283-95* 15. Wright, D. M., "The Future of Keynesian Economics," American Economic
Review, XXXV, June, 1945, pp. 284-307Be

Hicks-Harrod Analysis of Stable Growth
Books 1



1. Baumol, Wo J., Economic Dynamics0 New York, Macmillan, 1951.
2 O Gordon, R. A., Business Fluctuations<> New York, Harper, 1952, especially
chapso 4-5°
3- Hansen, Ao EL and Clemence, Ro V o , Readings in Business Cycles and
National Income, New York, Norton, 1953°
4o Harrod, R. FT, Economic Essays, New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1953.
5Towards a Dynamic Economics. London, Macmillan, 1948.
60 Hicks, J. Re, A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade -Cycle,
London, Clarendon Press, 1950°
7° Kuznets, Simon• Economic Change. New York, Norton, 1953°
8. Robinson, Joan, The Rate of Interest and Other Essays, New York,
London, Macmillan, 1952*
9. Rostow, W. Wo, The Process of Economic Growtha New York, Norton, 1952.


1. Alexander, So, "Issues of Business Cycle Theory Raised by Mr. Hicks,"
American Economic Review, XLI, December, 1951.? pp. 86I-78.
3o Arndt, Ho W0J, TfMr. Hicks' Trade Cycle Theory,11 Canadian Journal of
Economics and Political Science, Vol. 17, August, 1951, pp. 394-406.
3. Boulding, Ko E o , "Toward a General Theory of Growth," Canadian Journal
of Economics and Political Science, XIX, Aug, 195 3^

4, Brems, Hans, "How Induced Is Induced Investments''Review of Economics
and Statistics XXXVII, Aug., 1955, PP- 267-77.
5. Burns, A. F., "Hicks and the Real Cycle," Journal of Political Economy,
February, 1952.
6. Domar, E. D., "The Problem of Capital Accumulation," American Economic
Review, XXXVIII, December, 1948, pp. 777-94.
7. Dominguez, L. and Pilvin, H., "The Process of Balanced Economic Growth,"
Social Research, Vol. 21, Winter, 1954.
8. Duesenberry, J. S., "Hicks on the Trade Cycle," Quarterly Journal of
Economics, LXIV, August, 1950.
9. Dye, H. S., "Certain Questions Raised by Hicks'1 Theory of the Trade
Cycle," Southern Economic Journal, XIX, October, 1952; pp. 2G0-10.
10. Egerton, R. A. D., "The Capital Coefficient and the Rate of Depreciation,"
Economic Journal, LXIII, March, 1953> PP- 111-17•
11. Eisner, Robert, "Underemployment Equilibrium Rates of Growth," American
Economic Review, XLII, March, 1952, pp. 43-58; comments by
D. Hamberg, H. M. Wagner, and Rejoinder by R. Eisner, _P_dcL, XLIII,
. ... ^
May, 1953, PP. 377-93.
12. Fels, Rendigs, ffA Theory of Business Cycles," Quarterly Journal of
Economics, V9I. 66, February, 1952, pp. 25-42.
13. Fisher, G. H», "A Note on Mro HarrodTs Dynamic Model," Southern Economic
Journal, XIX, January, 1953, pp. 334-38.
"A Survey of the Theory of Induced Investment, 1900-1940,"
Southern Economic Journal, XVIII, April, 1952, pp. 474-494.
15« Fleming, Marcus, "External Economies and the Doctrine of Balanced
Growth," Economic Journal, June, 1955*
16. Goodwin, Ro M., "The Problem of Trend and Cycle," Yorkshire Bulletin of
Economic and Social Research, 1953; PP- 89-9717.
"A Model of Cyclical Growth," in The Business Cycle in the
Post-War World, ed. by^E^Lundberg. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1955.
180 Hamberg, Daniel, "Steady Growth and Theories of Cyclical Crisis,"
Ptso 1-2, Metroeconomica (TriesteJ Vol. VI, April, and August, 1954.
"Income Growth in Secular Stagnation and Inflation," Economic
Journal, LXIII, September, 1953, PP- 608-26.
"Full Capacity* vs. Full Employment Growth," Quarterly Journal
of Economics, LXVI, August, 1952, pp. 444-49; and also "Some Further
Comments," ibicL, LXVIII, November 1954, ppo 641-48.
21. Hansen, A. Ho, "Toward a Dynamic Theory of the Cycle," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XLII, May, 1952, pp. 74-83; and discussion by
R. A. Gordon, iMci„, pp* 74-83.
22O Hicks, J. R o , "Mr. H"arrodTs Dynamic Theory," Economica, XVI, May, 1949,
ppo 106-21.
23. Higgins, Bo H., "The .Theory of Increasing Under-Employment," Economic
Journal, LX, June, 1950•
* 24, Kaldor, No, "The Relation of Economic Growth and Cyclical Fluctuations,"
Economic Journal, LXIV, March, 1954.
^5- _ _ _ _ _ _ !!^r* Hicks on the Trade Cycle," Economic Journal, LXI, December,
1951, PP- 833-47.
26. Knox, A e D-, "On a Theory of the Trade Cycle," Economica, XVII, August,
1950, pp. 317-2727» Lutz, Fo A., "The Interest Rate and Investment in a Dynamic Economy,"
American Economic Review, XXXV, December, 194528. Lutz, Vera, "Real and Monetary Factors in the Determination of Employment
Levels," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVII, May, 1952.





29.* Matthews,, R- C. 0., "Capital Stock Adjustment Theories of the Trade
Cycle and the Problem of Policy," Chap. 7 in Post-Keynesian
Economics, edo by K. K. Kurihara £New Brunswick, 19543.
30. Neisser, BL P,, "Some Comments on Balanced Growth under Constant Returns
to Scale, Econometrica, XXII, October, 1954.
31. Newman, P. K., "A Property of Mr. Harrod?s Dynamic System," Review
of Economic Studies, XXIl(l), No. 57, October, 1954.
32. Pilvin, Ho, Harrod, Ro F«, and Domar, E. D., "Full Capacity vs. Full
Employment Growth," "Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVTI,
November, 1953•
33- Power, John*, "Capital Intensity and,Economic Growth," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLV, May, 1955, PP« 197-207; 'discussed
by E* D. Domar and T. C. Schelling, ibid., pp. 222-27.
34o Robinson, Jean "Mr. Harrodfs Dynamics," Economic Journal, LIX, March, 1949.
35. Robertson, D. Ho, "Thoughts on Meeting Some Important Persons,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVTII, May, 1954, pp. 181-90.
35• Rostow, W. W., "Some Notes on Mr. Hicks and History," American Economiq
Review, XLI, June, 1951, pp. 316-24.
36• Schelling, T. C», "Capital Growth and Equilibrium," American Economic
Review, XXXVII, D e c , 1947, pp. 864-76.
37- Swan, T. W., "Progress Report on the Trade Cycle," Economic Record,
XXXVI, D e c , 1950; pp. 186-200.
38. Tsiang, S. C , "Rehabilitation of Time Dimension in Macrodynamic Analysis,"
Economica,, XVI, Aug0, 1949, pp. 204-17.
39- Ulmer, M. J., "Autonomous and Induced Investment," American Economic
Review, XLII, September, 1952, pp. 587-89.
40. Wilson, T., "Cyclical and Autonomous Inducements to Invest," Oxford
Economic Papers, V, March, 1953, pp. 65-89.
41- Yeager, L. B., "Some Questions About Growth Economics," American
Economic Review, XLIV, March, 1954, pp. 53-63; and further comments
by Go M. Meier and L. Bo Yeager, ibich, December, 1954, pp. 931-37*
42. Youngson, A o Jo, "Investment Decisions, Trade Cycle, and Trend,"
Oxford Economic Papers, VI, September, 1954, pp. 285-305.
C. Modern Theory of Income Determination

Theoretical Concepts


Consumption Function Controversy
Books 1

1. Duesenberry,Jo S., Income, Saving, and the Theory of Consumer Behavior.
Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1949•
2. Ferber, Robert, A Study of"Aggregate Consumption Function. Occasional
Paper 8, New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 19533. Friedman, Milton, A Theory of the Consumption Function, New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, {"tentative] 19554. Hansen, A* H., Business Cycles and National Income. New York, Norton,
1951, chap. 10.









Armstrong, W= E a , n A Note on the Theory of Consumer's Behavior/'
Oxford Economic Papers, II, Jan., 1950; a ^d comments by
C.'k. Kennedy and L Mo D. Little, ibid., pp. 122-35Arndt, H. W. ; and Wilson, J. R o , "Deliberate Saving and the Consumption
Function/1 Economic Record, XXVII, June, 1951, pp 11-20.
Bronfenbrenner, M o , "The Consumption Function Controversy," Southern
Economic Journal, XIV, Jan 0 , 1948.
Brown, T. M*, "Habit Persistence and Lags in Consumer Behavior,"
Econometrles, XX, July, 1952, pp.;355-71•
Burns, A. F. "Keynesian Economics Once Again," Review of Economic
Statistics, XXIX, Nov., 1947, pp- 252.65.
Cave, R o Co, "Prewar-Postwar Relationship between Disposable Income
and Consumption Expenditures," Review of Economies & Statistics,
XXXII, May, 1950o
Clower, Re W c , "Professor Duesenberry and Traditional Theory," Review
of Economic Studies, XIX(3), No. 50, 1952/53, pp. 165-78.
Cohen,.Morris, "Liquid Assets and the Consumption Function," Review
of Economics & Statistics, XXXVI, May, 1954, pp. 202-10.
_ _ _ _ _ "Postwar Consumption Functions," jteview of Economics &
Statistics, XXXII, Feb o , 1952, pp. 18-33- ~ '
Davis, Tom EajJ "The Consumption Function as a Tool for Prediction,11
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXIV, Aug., 1952, pp. 27O-85.
Dueseia'berry, Jo S., "Income-Consumption Relations and Their Implications,"
in Income} Employment, and Publ.ic,_Policx. (New York, Norton, 1948),
pp. 54-81.
Ferber, Robert, "The Accuracy of Aggregate Savings Functions in the
Postwar Years /'-"Re view of Economics 8c Statistics, XXXVII, May, 1955.
Fishman, Leo, "Consumer Expectations and the Consumption Function,"
Southern Economic Journal, XX, Jan-, 1954, pp. 243-51„
Hagen, E o E., "The Consumption Function: A Review Article,".Review
of Economics & Statistics^ XXX, Nov., 1948.
Hamburger, W o , "The Relation of Consumption to Wealth and the Wage
Rate," Econometrica, XXIJI, Jan., 1955.
_ _ _ _ _ _ "The Determinants of Aggregate Consumption," Review of
Economic Studies, XXIl(l), No. 57, Oct., 1954.
Hansen, A. EL, "A Note on the Secular Consumption Function,"
American Economic Review, XLI, Sept., 1951* PP.- 662-4o
Hubbard, Jo C°> "The Marginal and Average Propensities to Consume,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVIII, Feb., 1954.
Katona, G., "E"f fect of Income Changes on the Rate of Saving, "'Review
of Economics & Statistics, XXXI, May, 1949, pp. 95-103. ~ ~"~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n ^ others, ?!Five Views on the Consumption Function,"
Review of_Economicg_&_Statistics, XXVIII, Nov o , 1946 pp. 197-224.
Klein, L o R., "Savings and the Propensity to Consume," in Determining
the Business Outlook, ed* by Ho Vo Prochnow (New York, Harper,
1954),"chap. 5 ~ ~ ~
" A Post-Mortem on Transition Predictions of National Product,"
Journaljpf_ Political. Economy, LIV, Aug., 1946, pp o 289-308
Liu, T. C , and Chang, Ching-Gwan, !!UOS. Consumption and Investment
Propensities°o Prewar and Postwar," American Economic Review,
XL, Septo, 1950, pp. 565-82.







Mack, Ruth P v "The Direction of Change in Income and the Consumption
Function/1 Review of Economics 8c Statistics, XXX, Nov. 1948.
Matthews, R. C. 0», "The Saving Function and the Problem of Trend
and Cycle," Review of Economic Studies, XXIl(2), No. 58, Feb. 1955.
Modigliani, F., "Fluctuations in the Saving-Income Katio: A Problem
in Economic Forecasting," in Studies in. Income and Wealth, Vol. 11.
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1949Orcutt, G. H., and Roy, A. D., "A Bibliography of the Consumption
Function." Cambridge, Univeristy Department of Applied Economics,
1949. Mimeographed.
Pigou, A. C , "Professor Duesenberry on Income and Savings" (A review),
Economic Journal, LXI, D e c , 1951, PP- 883-4.
Schweiger, Irving, "The Contribution of Consumer Anticipations in
Forecasting Consumer Demand," in Short-Term Economic Forecasting*
Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. 17. Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1955; PP- 455-83.
Stone, J. R. N., "Misery and Bills: A Comparison of the Effect of Certain
Forms of Saving Behaviour on the Standard of Living of a Growing
Community,"- Economia Internazionale, VIII, Feb., 1955Williams,. :E. S., "Fiscal Policy and the Propensity to Consume,"
Economic Journal, LV, June,- 1945; comment by H. Norris, ibid.,
June, 1945, pp. 316-8.
Woytinsky, W. S., "What Was Wrong in Forecasts of Postwar Depression?"
Journal of Political Economy, LV, April, 1947, pp. 142-51.
and Koffsky, N., "Two More Contributions on the Consumption
Function," Review of Economics & Statistics, XXX, Feb., 1948,
pp. 284-307'b.

Multiplier Principle; Velocity Analysis; Model Sequences


Angell, J. We, Investment and Business Cycles. New York, McGraw-Hill,
1941, chaps. 9-11.
2. Chipman, J* S., The Theory of/lnter-Sectoral Money Flows and Income
Formation. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 19513. Haberler, Go, Prosperity and Depression. New York, Columbia University
Press, 3d ed., 1941.
4» Hegeland, Hugo, The Multiplier Theory* Lund, Sweeden, Gleerup, 1954.
5. Merlin, Sidney D., The Theory of Fluctuations in Contemporary Economic
Thought . New York, Columbia University Press, 1949.

Ackley, Gardner, "The Multiplier Time Period: Money, .Inventories
and Flexibility," American Economic Review, XLI, June, 1951,
pp. 350-68.
2. Allen, W. R. and Oi, Walter, "A Period Analysis of Fiscal Policies,"
Southern Economic Journal, XXII July, 1955> PP- 65-89.
3. Chipman, J. S., "Generalized Bi-System Multiplier. Its Application
to the Study of Income Movements," Canadian Journal of Economics
& Political Science, XV, May, 1949, pp. 176-89.



"The Multi-Sector Multiplier/' Econometrica, XVIII, Oct.,
Eisner, Robert, "The Invariant Multiplier," Review of Economic Studies,
XVIII(3), No. 44, 1949/50.
Goodwin, Ro Mo, "The Multiplier Matrix," Economic Journal, LIX, D e c , 1949n
The Multiplier/' in The New Economics, ed. "by S. E. Harris.
5ew~York, Knopf, 1947, pp. 488-99Hansen, A e H», "The Robertsonian and Swedish Systems of Period Analysis,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXII, Feb., 1950, pp. 24-9*
Johnson, H* Go, "The Matrix Multiplier and an Ambiguity in the Keynesian
Concept of Saving," Economic Journal^ LXII, March, 1952, pp. 197-200*
Lutz, Vera, "Multiplier and Velocity Analysis: A Marriage," Economica,
XXII, Feb., 1955, pp* 29-44.
Machlup, Fritz, "Period Analysis and Multiplier Theory," in Readings
in Business Cycle Theory, Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1944.
Patinkin, Don, "Wicksell1s''Cumulative Process,'" Economic Journal,
LXII, D e c , 1952, pp o 835-47.
Samuelson, P. A., "Fiscal Policy and Income Determination," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LV, Aug., 1942.
Shackle, G. L. So, ''Twenty Years On: A Survey of the Theory of the
Multiplier," Economic Journal, LXI, June, 1951.
Smithies, A., "The Multiplier," American Economic Review, Supplement,
XXXVIII, May, 1948, pp. 299-305Solow, Robert, "A Jfote on Dynamic Multipliers," Econometrica, XIX,
July, 1951, pp. 306-16.
Somers, H. M., "The Multiplier in a Tri-Fiscal Economy," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LXIII, May, 1949.
"A Theory of Income Determination," Journal of Political
"Economics, L V I H , Dec,,„ 1950, pp. 523-41.
Turvey, Ralph, "Some Notes on Multiplier Theory," American Economic
Review, XLIII, June, 1953_ _ _ _ _ n T h e Multiplier/1 Economica, XV, Nov., 1948.

The Acceleration Principle and the Theory of Investment
Books 1

lo Gordon, R. A«, Business Fluctuationso New York, Haprer, 1952a
2. Hansen, A o H., Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles. New York, Norton,
1941, chap. 12.
3o _______ Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy. New York, McGraw-Hill, pp, 149-55 <
4. Mieth, Wolfram, Das Akzelerationsprinzipo Berlin, Duncker & Humblot,*1954.
5. Somers, Ho M», Public Finance and National Income* Philadelphia,
Blakiston, 1949, pp. 66-116, 123-4 e ~ '
lo Alexander, S. So, "The Accelerator as a Generator of Steady Growth,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIII, May, 1949, pp. 174-97.
2. Bowman, R» T* and Phillips, Almarin, "The Capacity Concept and Induced
Investment," Canadian Journal of Economics & Political Science,
XXI, May, 1955, pp. 190-203.

* 4o
* 6*
* 10,



Chenery, H. B,, "Overcapacity and the Acceleration Principle/1 Econometfica,
XX, Jan9, 1952.
Eckaus, R. S., "The Acceleration Principle Reconsidered/' .Quarterly Journal
of Economics, LXVII, May, 1953, pp. 209-30.
Fisher, G.H., nA Survey of the Theory of Induced Investment, 1900-40,"
Southern Economic Journal, XVIII, April, 19^2.
Gordon, R-A*, "Investment Behavior and Business Cycles," Review of
Economics & Statistics, XXXVII, Febo, 1955Hamberg, D., and Tsiang, S, C , "/The Accelerator in Income Analysis/'1
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVI, Nov., 1952, pp. 592-9°
Kervyn, A., "A Note on the Accelerator and Constant Growth,"; Review of
Economic^ Studies, XXII(l), Noo 57, Oct., 1954.
Knox, Ao D,, "The Acceleration Principle and the Theory of Investment: A
Survey/1 Economica, XIX, Aug., 1952.
Meyer, J. R., and Kuh, Edwin, "Acceleration and Related Theories of Investment: An Empirical Inquiry," Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXIII,
Aug., 1955; PP* 217-30.
Neisser, Hans P o , "A Critical Note on the Acceleration Principle," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVIII, May, 1954, pp. 253-74; and "A
Correction," ibid,, Augo, 1954, p. 48l0
Norton, F. E o , Jr., "Capital Theory and Progressive Equilibrium," American
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Consumption-Saving and Investment Behavior


Clark, Lincoln EECL^J Consumer Behavior: The Dynamics of Consumer Reaction.
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Friend, Irwin, Individuals * Saving: Volume and Composition, New York,
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Goldsmith, Ro W,, A Study of Savings in the United States. Vols. I-II.
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Lydall, H, F., British Incomes and Saving. Oxford, Blackwell, 1955.
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Morgan, James N o , Consumer Economics, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1955.
Prest, Ao R., and Adams, Ao A., Consumers1 Expenditure in the United Kingdom, 1900-19190 Cambridge, Eng«, University Press, 1954O
Stone, R. S 9 , Consumers? Expenditure in the United Kingdom, I92O-38,
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18 9

Brinegar, G. K o , "Income, Savings Balances, and Net Savings, Review
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Cohen, Morris, "New Perspectives on Saving," Business Record (New York,
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in Different Age Groups,ft in Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol.
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Jones, Homer, "The Flow of Savings," Pts 0 1-2, Journal of Finance,' III,
Octo, 1948, and IV, March, 1949Katona, G», "Effect of Income Changes on the Rate of Saving," Review of
Economics & Statistics, XXXI, May, I949, PP'. 95-103»
_ _ _ _ _ "Expectations and Decisions in Economic Behavior," in The
Policy Sciences, ed. "by Do Lerner and Ho Las swell. Stanford,
Stanford University Press, 1951; PP« 219-32.
_ _ _ _ _ "Postwar Changes in the Income of Identical Consumer Units,"
in Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol* 13. New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1951; PP° 186-218.
Klein, L, R o , "Patterns of Savings The Surveys of 1953 and 1954,"
Oxford Institute of Statistics, Bulletin, XVII, May, 1955, PP. 173-214.
Lansing, Jo Bo, and Maynes, E o S., "Inflation and Savings by Consumers,"
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Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. 17. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1955°
Lydall, H o , "The Life Cycle in Income, Saving, and Asset Ownership,"
Econometrica, XXIII, April, 1955, pp o 13I-5O0
________ "Personal Savings and Its Determinants in the Light of the Oxford
Survey," Oxford Institute of Statistics, Bulletin, XIV, July, 1952O
Morgan, Jo No, "The Structure of Aggregate Personal Saving," Journal of
Political Economy, LIX, Dec o , 1951; PP° 528-34; and "Correction and
Addendum,"ibido, LXI, Dec o , 1953, p. 536*
Saunders, Co To, "Some Problems in the Estimation of Personal Savings
and Investment," Review of Economic Studies, XXII, 1954/55, pp. 109-29,
Smelker, M o W o , "Problems of Estimating Spending and S ving in Long-Range
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Walsh, Vo Co, "On Descriptions of Consumers' Behavior," Economica, XXI,
Aug., 1954o

Influence of Asset Structures on Consumption^Investment Decisions


Atkinson, To R o ,

The Pattern of Financial Asset Ownership: Wisconsin

Individuals, 1949Q


New York, National Bureau of Economic Research,



Hart, A. G», Money, Debt, and Economic Activity0
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Ackley, Gardner, "The Wealth-Saving Relationship," Journal of
Political Economy, LIX, April, 1951, PP- 154-61*
Boulding, K» E,, "Asset Identities in Economic Models," Studies
in Income and Wealth, Vol o 14, New York, National Bureau
of Economic Research, 1952=
Brilly D, E«, "The Postwar Structure of Financial Claims," in
Studies in Income and Wealth0 Volo 14, New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research,.*1952°
Haberler, Go, "The Pigou Effect Once More," Journal of Political
Economy, LX, June, 1952•
Hansen, A, Ho, "The Pigovian Effect," Journal of Political
Economy, LIX, Dec o , 1951, PP° 535=13^
Hart, Ao G», "Uses of National Wealth Estimates and the Structure
of Claims," in Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol o 12 0 New
York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1950, pp o 81-1040
"Postwar Effects to Be Expected from Wartime Liquid
Accumulations," American Economic Review, Supplement, XXXV,
May, 1945, PP. 341-9.
Klein, L. Re, "Assets, Debts, and Economic Behavior," in Studies
in-Inc(3mTe" afid Wealth, Vol, 14. New York, National Bureau of
Economic Research, 1952, pp o 195-227O
Lutz, Vera, "Real and Monetary Factors in the Determination of
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May, 1952, pp. 251-72o
McKean, Ro No, "Wartime Monetary Events and Monetary Theory,"
American Economic Review,Supplement, XLII, May, 1952, pp 0 124-33*
Melville, L o Go, "Consumption, Income, and Wealth," Review of Economics
8c Statistics, XXXVI, May, 1954, pp o 220-5°
Metzler, L o A., "Wealth, Saving and the Rate of Interest," Journal of
Political Economy, LIX, April, 1951, PP° 93-116; comment by D.MO
Wright, and reply, ibid 0 , June, 1952o
Musgrave, Ro A o , "Money, Liquidity, and the Valuation of Assets," in
Money, Trade, and Economic Growth (New York, Macmillan, 1951)•
Randall, R* Jo,
"The 'Pigou Effect" and Other Aspects of Asset Holdings on Consumption," South African Journal of Economics, XXI,
March, 1953, PP* 31-40.
Tobin, James, "Asset Holdings and Spending Decisions," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XLII, May, 1952, pp 0 109-420
"Relative Income, Absolute Income, and Savings," in Money,
Trade, and Economic Growth (New York, Macmillan, 1951), pp. 135-56,
Walter, J9 E., "Liquidity and Corporate Spending," Journal of Finance,
Dec 0 , 1953, PPo 369-97»

Income and WeaTtho

Studies in Income Distribution--By Size and Type


Creamer, Daniel, Personal Income during Business Cycles, New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, in press, 1955°
Kuznets, Simon, Shares of Upper Income Groups in Income and Savings.
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1953o




Kuznets, Simon, National Income: A Summary of Findings. New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 19460
Nati/onaT income and Its Composition. New York, National Bureau
of Economic Research, 1941.
and Goldsmith, Ro W o , Income and Wealth of the United States:
Trends and Structure0 Income & Wealth Series III O Cambridge, Eng o ,
Bowes & Bowes, 1952.
Miller, Herman P o , Income of the American People0 New York, Wiley, 1955Seers, Dudley, Changes in the Cost of Living and the Distribution of
Income since 1938e Oxford, Blackwell, 1949.




Bowman, M, J,, "Theories of Income Distribution: Where Do We Stand?"
Journal of Political Economy, LVI, D e c , 1948, pp 0 533-S80
Brady, D, S. and Friedman, R.
'Savings and Income Distribution/1 in
Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol o 10 o New York, National Bureau
of Economic Research, 1947, pp 0 247-65=
Breimyer, Ho F», "Some Comments on Factors Influencing State Per Capita
Incomes;1' Southern Economic Journal, XVII, Oct 0 , 1950, pp 0 140-7;
comment by Jo L* Fulmer, ibid,, XVII, April, 1951.
Brown, E a Ha Phelps, and Hart, P. E*, "The Share of Wages in National
Income," Economic Journal, LXII, June, 1952, pp o 253-77.
Burkhead, Jesse, "Changes in the Functional Distribution of Income,"
Journal of the American Statistical Association, June, 1953Cartter, A o M o , "Income Shares of Upper Income Groups in Great Britain
and the United States," American Economic Review, XLIV, Dec 0 , 1954,

pp. 875-83.

Clark, Eugene, and Fishman, Leo, "Appraisal of Methods for Estimating the
Size Distribution of Given Aggregate Income," Review of Economics &
Statistics, XXIX, Feb., 1947, pp. 43-6; and further remarks, ibid.,
XXXII, Feb., 1950, pp o 106~7*
8. Champernowne, Do G., "A Model of Income Distribution," Economic Journal,
-LXIII, June, 1953rPP. 3l8-51o
9. Copelarid^ Mo A., "The Social and Economic Determinants of the Distribution
of Income in the United States," American Economic Review, XXXVII,
March, 1947, pp. 56-75°
10. Denison, E. F o , " Income Types and Size Distribution," American Economic
Review, XLIV, May, 1954, pp* 254-69.
11o Durand, David, "An Appraisal of the Errors Involved in Estimating the
Size Distribution of a Given Aggregate Income," Review of Economics &
Statistics, XXX, Feb., 1948*
12. Fulmer, Jo L M "Factors Influencing Per Capita Income Differentials, 1940
and 1950," Southern Economic Journal, XXI, July, 1955, pp. 32-47.
13. __^
"Factors Influencing State Per Capita Income Differentials,"
Southern Economic Journal, XVI, Jan,, 1950, pp o 259-78,
14. Garvy, George, "Functional and Size Distributions of Income and Their
Meaning," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May, 1954, pp o 236-53.
15* _ _ _ _ _ "Changing Patterns of Income Distribution," Analysts Journal, Nov., 1954.
16 o Goldsmith, S, F o , "Appraisal of Basic Data for Constructing Income Size Distributions," in Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. 13. New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1951.
17'• _ _ _ _ "Statistical Information on the Distribution of Income by Size in the
United States," American Economic Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950, pp.
9 Jaszi, Go, Kaitz, EL, and Liebenberg, Mo, "Size Distribution of

Income 1954,
since pp.
the 1-32.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Feb.,

Review of Economics & S t a t i s t i c s , XLIV?


Hanna, F o A o , MCyclical and Secular Changes in State Per Capita Incomes,
1929-50/' Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXVI, Aug., 1954o
20. Johnson, Do Gale, "The Functional Distribution of Income in the United
States, l850-1952,n feeview of Economics & Statistics, XXXVI, May,
1954, pp. 175-82.
21. Kuznets, Simon, "Economic Growth and Income Inequality," American
ffconomic Review, XLV, March, 1955, PP° 1-28*
• _ _ _ _ _ _ "Long-Term Changes in the National Income of the United States
since I87O," in Income and Wealth in the United States: Trends and
Structure, edo by So KuznetSo Cambridge, Engo, Bowes 8c Bowes, 195 2 23* Kyrk, Hazel, "The Income Distribution as a Measure of Economic Welfare,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950* PP. 342-55.
24. Lampman, Ro J o , "Recent Changes in Income Inequality Reconsidered," American
Economic Review, XLIV, June, 1954, pp* 251-68O
25« Miller, Herman P o , "Changes in Income Distribution in the United States/ 1
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Dec o , 195126.
"Factors Related to Recent Changes in Income Distribution in the
United States," Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXIII, Aug., 1951,
pp o 214-18,
27. Moore, Geoffrey H., "Secular Changes in the Distribution of Income," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLII, May, 1952, pp, 527-44.
28o Rhodes, E o C , "The Inequality of Income in the United Kingdom," Economica,
XIX, May, 1952.
"Distribution of Earned and Investment Incomes in the U.K. in
1937-38," Economica, XVIII, Feb., 1951, PPo l8-34o
30. Rosen, George, "A Note on the Distribution of Income anfl Savings in 1948,"
American Economic Review, XL, D e c , 195031. Schutz, Ro E., "On the Measurement of Income Inequality," American Economic
Review, XLI, March, 1951; comment by G. Rosenbluth, ibid,, D e c , 1951,

PP. 935-37*
3?:.: Smelker, M o W o , "Shifts in the Concentration of Income," Review of Economics
& Statistics, XXX, Aug., 1948, pp. 215-22.
33* Worcester, Dean, and Lampman, R. J., "Income, Ability and Size of Family in
the United States," Journal of Political Economy, LVIII, Oct., 1950, pp. 436-42.

Income Redistribution through Public Finance

Impact of Public Expenditures and Taxation




Barna, Tibor, Redistribution of Income through Public Finance in 1937*
London, Oxford University Press, 1945.
2. Cartter, A. Me, The Redistribution of Income in Postwar Britain: A
Study of the Effects of the Central Government Fiscal Program in
1948-49. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1955.
3. Hanna, F. A o , Pechman, Jo A o , and Lerner, So M,, Analyst's of Wisconsin
Incomeo New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1948O
4o Henderson, P o , and Seers, D, £Eds 0 J, The Redistribution of Incomes by
Postwar Public Financeo Oxford, Blackwell, 1951.
5* Hicks, Uo K., Public Financeo New York, Pitman, 1947, Pt. Ill,
6, Miller, Do C , Taxes, the Public Debt and Transfers of Income. Urbana,
University of Illinois Press, 1950o
7- Peacock, Alan To fEd?} , Income Redistribution and Social Policy. London,
Cape, 1953°
8, Seers, Dudley, The Levelling of Incomes Since 1938O Oxford, Blackwell, 1951.


"* 1.


"* 8.




* l6o



Adler, J. H., "The Fiscal System, the Distribution of Income, and Public
Welfare/' in Fiscal Policies and the American Economy (New York,
Bronfenbrenner, M o , and others, "A Study in Redistribution and Consumption,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXVII, May, 1955.
Douglas, Monteath, "Welfare and Redistribution," Canadian Journal of Economics
& Political Science, XIX, Aug,, 1953, PP» 316-25.
Fisher, A o G* Bo, "Alternative Techniques for Promoting Equality in a Capitalist Society," American Economic Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950, pp a 356-68.
Green, R 8 , "Social Reconstruction by the Regulation of Incomes," Economic
Journal, LII, April, 1942.
Johnson, H o Go, "The Effects of Income-Redistribution on Aggregate Consumption
with Interdependence of Consumerfs Preferences," Economica, XIX, May1952, pp 0 131-47; comment by So F* James and W. Beckerman, Economic
Journal, LXIII, March, 1953, pp. 7O-83,
Lubell, Harold, "Effects of Income Redistribution on Consumer Expenditures,"
American Economic Review, XXXVII, March, 1947; comment by J. M.*Clark, and
correction, ibide , D e c , 1947, pp 0 930-1,
Metzler, L. A., "Three Lags in the Circular Flow of Income," in Income, Employment and Public (New York, Norton, 1948;.
= _ _ _
"Effects of Income Redistribution/' Review of Economics & Statistics,
XXV, Feb., 1943, PPo 49-57.
Peacock, A. T., and Berry, Do, M A Note on the Theory of Income Redistribution,"
Economica, XVIII, Feb., 1951* PP« 18-34.
Pechman, Jo A*, "Distribution of Income before and after Federal Income Taxes,
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Rhodes, E« Co, "The Distribution of Incomes and the Burden of Estate Duties
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Schaller, H« Go, "Social Security Transfer Payments and Differences in State
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Stauffacher, Co, "The Effects of Government Expenditures and Tax Withdrawals
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Friedrich and E o S. Mason e Cambridge, Graduate School of Public Administration, 1941.
Strayer, P. J., The Individual Income Tax and Income Distribution," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLV, May, 1955, PP» 430-40; comments by W* W.
Heller and Re E* Slitor, ibid., pp. 441-9*
Tucker, R* S., "The Distribution of Income among Income Taxpayers in the
United States, 1863-1935," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LII, Aug*, 1938*
Weaver, Findlay, "Taxation and Redistribution in the United Kingdom," Review of
Economics & Statistics, XXXII, Aug e , 1950, pp. 201-15.

Taxable Capacity and Tax Burdens


Blough, Roy, The Federal Taxing Process. Hew York, Prentice-Hall, 1952,
PPo 244-52, 260-64,
Colm, G,, and Tarasov, H., Who Pays the Taxes? TNEC Monograph No o 3*
Washington, GPO, 1940.
Shirras, G. F., and Rostas, L., The Burden of British Taxation., New York,
Macmillan, 1943.



Stamp, Lord, Wealth and Taxable Capacity, London, King, 1922•
Tax Institute, Limits of Taxable Capacity--A Symposium. Princeton, The
Institute, 1953.

1. Bhargava, Ro N., "The Concept of Taxable Capacity," Indian Economic Review,
II, Feb., 1954, ppo -115-21} comment by G. P. Kapur and S. Venu, Ibid.,
Auga, 1954, pp. 104-6*
2. Clark, Colin, "The Danger Point in Taxes," Harper?3, Dec., 1950, pp0 67-9,
3* _ _
"Public Finance and the Value of Money," Economic Journal, LV,
D e c , 1945, PPc 371-89.
4. Colm, G., and Waia, H. P., "Some Comments on Tax Burden Comparisons,"
National Tax Journal, V, March, 1952.
5* Crum, W. Lo, "The Taxation of Stockholders," Quarterly Journal of Economics,
LXV, Feb., 1950.
6. Gates, Ro C , "The Weight of' Taxation in Five Countries, 1938 to 1950j,"
Economic Record, XXVII, Nov., 1952,
* 7* Goode, Richard, "An Economic Limit'on Taxes: Some Recent Discussions,"
National* Tax Journal, V, Sept., 1952, ppo 227=33*
8 0 Groves, H. M., "Are Taxes Too High?" The Annals of the American Academy of
Political & Social Science, Sept., 1952.
9. Heller, ¥0 W«, "How High Can Taxes Go?" Proceedings of the National Tax
Association, 45th Annual Conferencee Sacramento, The Association, 1953>
pp. 243-54.
"Limitations of the Federal Individual Income Tax," Journal of
Finance, VII, May, 1952, pp, 185-202,
11. Higgins, B. H., "A Note on Taxation and Inflation," Canadian Journal of
Economics & Political Science, XIX, Aug., 1953, PP« 392- 402; comments
by Jo No Wolfe, Ibid., XX, May, 1954, pp. 236-8; and Canadian Tax
Journal, I, Nov.-Dec, 1953, PP. 546-7.
12. Kimmel, Lo H., "Our Tax Burden and Taxable Capacity," The Annals of the
American Academy of Political & Social Science, Novo, 1949 > PP* 152-60*
13. Holland, D. M«, "The Differential Tax Burden on Stockholders," American
Economic Reyiev, Supplement, XLV, May, 1955* PP* 415-29.
14. Musgrave, R« A., "Distribution of Tax Payments by Income Groups: A Review,"
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Sacramento, 1953, PP* 179^94•
•1-5• _ _ _ _ _ a n d others, "Distribution of Tax Burdens in 1948," National Tax
Journal5 IV, March, 1951* PP« 1~53> comment by Ro S. Tucker, and
rejoinder, ibid*, V, March, 1952, pp*~269-85.
16• Neisser, A. •, "The Dynamics of Tax Burden Comparisons," National Tax
Journal9 V, Dec*, 1952, pp. 351-64.
* 17* Pechman, J. A., and Mayer, T., "Mro Colin Clark on the Limits of Taxation,"
Review of Economics & Statistics9 XXXIV, Aug*, 1952, ppo 232-4g0
18c Prest, A« Ro, "Statistical Calculations of Tax Burdens,"_Economica, XXII,
Aug., 1955/ PP« 234-45.
19a Ratchford, B. U., "Practical Limitations to the Net Income Tax," Journal of
Finance, VII, May, 1952^ pp« 203-13o
20o Smith, Dan T., "Notes on the Inflationary Consequences of High Taxation,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXIV, Augo, 1952, ppo 243-721, Tucker, R. So, "The Distribution of Government Burdens and Benefits,"
American Economic Review5 Supplement, XLIII, May, 1952«


Stagnationist Theory —» Controversies of Pre- and Post~War Period


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chap o 14 •



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Keynes, J. M., Hgie General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, New
Yorkj Harcourt, Brace, 1936,chaps* 1, 8-10*
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Schumpeter, J. A«, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, New York, Harper,
3d ed., 1950.
Business Cycles«, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1939* Vol. II.
Steindl, J. >: Maturity and Stagnation in American Capitalism. Oxford, Blackwell, 1952.
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Terborgh, George, The Bogey of Economic Maturity. Chicago, Machinery &
Allied Products Institute, 1945.
Wright, D. M c C , The Economics of Disturbance<, New York, Macmillan, 1947°

1. Abramovitz, M., "Savings and Investments Profits vso Prosperity/1 American
Economic Review, Supplement, XXXII, June, 1942, ppo 53-88.
2. Bronfenbrenner, M o , "Some Neglected Implications of Secular Inflation," in
Post-Keynesian Economics, ed. by Ko K. Kurihara. New Brunswick, Rutgers
University Press, 1954, ppo 31-58.
3. Fellner, W. J., "Full Use or Underutilizatiom Appraisal of Long-Run Factors
Other Than Defense," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May,
1954, pp. 423-33.
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5. Higgins, B. H., "The Theory of Increasing Underemployment," Economic Journal,
LX, June, 1950, pp. 255-74.
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March, 1950, pp. 160-6,
"Concepts and Criteria of Secular Stagnation," in Income, Employment
and Public Policy. New York, Norton, 1948„
8. Knight, F. H«, "Issues in the Economics of Stationary States," American
Economic Review, XXVI, Sept., 1936, pp. 393-411.
9. Morton, ¥. A., "Keynesianism and Inflation," Journal of Political Economy,
LIX, June, 1951.
10. Pigou, A. C , "Economic Progress in a Stable Environment," Economica,
Aug., 1947.
"The Classical Stationary State," Economic Journal, LIII, Dec0,
1943, PP. 342-51.
12o Robbins, L. C , "On a Certain Ambiguity in the Conception of Stationary
Equilibrium," Economic Journal, XL, 1930, pp. 194-214.

Slichter, S. H., "The Problem of Inflation/1 Review
of Economics & Statistics,
XXX, Feb., 1948.
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14. Sweezy, A, R., "Secular Stagnation/ in Postwar Economic Problems, ed0 by So E o
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15. Tobin, James, "Taxes, Saving, and Inflation," American Economic Review,
XXXIX, Feb., 1949, ppo 1223-320
16. Wright, Do M., "Inflation and Equality," American Economic Review, XXXVIII,
D e c , 1948, ppo 892=7; comment by Go Ackley, and rejoinder, ibido,
XXXIX, Sept., 1949, pp. 960-6,
"The 'Great Guessing Garnet Terborgh vs 0 Hansen," Review of
Economics & Statistics, XXVIII, Feb o , 1946, ppo 18-22,

B. Capital Formation and Processes of Economic Change and Growth

Technology, Population, and Investment
a. Population Factors in Economic Fluctuations
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California Experience, 19OO~5Oo Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1954.
2 0 Reddaway, Wo Bo, The Economics of a Declining Population0 London,
Allen & Unwin, 1939.
1. Barber, C. L., "Population Growth and Demand for Capital*" American
Economic Review, XLIII, March, 1953, PP° 133=39°
2. Brockie, M o D., "Population Growth and the Rate of Investment,"
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3.. Davis, J. S., "Economic Potentials of the United States," in National
Policy for Economic Welfare at Home and Abroad, ed. by Robert
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4* _ _ _ _ _
"Population Upsurge and the American Economy, 1945-80,"
Journal of Political Economy, LXI, 0ct o , 1953, PP* 369-89.
"Our Changed Population Outlook and Its Significance,"
American Economic Review, XLII, June, 1952, ppo 304-25o
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8. Gottlieb, M., "The Theory of Optimum Population for a Closed Economy,"
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9» Hansen, A. Ho, "Economic Progress and Declining Population Growth,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XXIX, Mar., 1939* PP° 1-15*
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llo Keynes, Jo M., "Some Consequences of Declining Population Growth,"
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Journal of Business, April, 19540
17. Spengier, Jo J., "Limitation Factors in Population Theoryt A Note,"
Kyklos, VII, Fasc. 3, 1954,
-^* _ = — — "Population Movements and Investment," Pts0 1-2, Journal of
Finance, VI, Dec0, 1951, PP- 343-60; March, 1952, pp, 10-28,
19* ___JIIZ Prospective Population and Income Growth and Fiscal Policy,"
National Tax Journal, V, Sept0, 19500
"Conditions for Solving the Aging Population Problem," in
A Survey of Contemporary Economics, II, ed0 "by Bo F. Haley0
Homewood, Irwin, 1953°
21. _ _ _ _ _ "Aspects of the Economics of Population Growth," Pts, 1-2,
Southern Economic Journal, XIII, Oct0, 1947; XIV, Jan., 1948O
22. Tsiang, So C , "The Effect of Population Growth on the General Level
of Employment and Activity," Economica, IX, Novo, 1942a
23. United Kingdom, Royal Commission on Population, Report to Parliament (Henderson Report)o Cmd0 76950 London, H.MoSoO., 1949.


Innovations, Technology, and Business Fluctuations
Books 0


Brozen, Yale, Social Implications of Technological Changeo New
York, Social Science Research Council, 195°°
2. Lederer, Emil, Technical Progress and Unemployment--An Enquiry
into the Obstacles to Economic Expansion London, King, 19380
30 Schumpeter, Jo A., Business Cycles, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1939*
II, pPo 1515 ffo
4. Siegel, Irving H., and Evans, Wo Duane, Effects of Technological
Changeso New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1956„
50 Terborgh, George, Dynamic Equipment Policyo Chicago, MoAoPdo, 1949<»
1. Ames, E., and Ferguson, Ao R o , "Technological Change and the Equilibrium Level of National Income," Quarterly Journal of Economics,
LXII, May, 1948, ppo 441-58.
2, Bloom, G. Fo, "Wage Pressure and Technological Discovery," American
Economic Review, XLI> Sept., 1951°
3* Brozen, Yale, "The Role of Technological Change in Regularizing Private Investment," in Regularization of Business Investmento
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1954, ppo 299~31bo
4. Brown, Weir, "?Labor Savingf and fCapital Savingf Innovations,"
Southern Economic Journal, XIII, 0cto, 1946, ppo 101-14.

5. Deibler, F o S., "The Effects of Industrial and Technological
Developments upon the Demand for Capital," American
Economic. Review, Supplement, XXIX, Mar0, 1939°
6. Frankel, Marvin, "Obsolescence and Technological Change in a
Maturing Economy," American Economic Review, XLV, June,
1955, PPo 296-319o
7. Goodwin, Ro Mo, "Innovations and the Irregularity of Economic
Cycles," Review of Economic Statistics, XXVIII, May, 1946,
pPo 95-104 o
80 Keirstead, B o So, "Technical Advance and Economic Equilibrium,"
Canadian Journal of Economics & Political Science, IX,
19437 PP* 55-68o
9o Maclaurin, Wo R o , "Innovation and Capital Formation," in Capital
Formation and Economic Growtho Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 1955o
?rocess of Technological Innovation," American
Economic Review, XL, March, 1950c
11 a HJeisser, Ho Po, "'Permanent" Technological Unemployment," American
Economic Review, XXXII, March, 1942, pp o 50-71o
* 12, Siegel, I. H«, "Conditions of American Technological Progress,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May, 1954, ppo l6l-77.
13. Solo, C. Ro, "Innovation in Capitalist Progress: A Critique of the
Schumpeterian Theory," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXV, Aug 0 ,
1951 o
14o Terborgh, G,, "Innovation in American Progress," American Economic
Review, XL, May, 1950,
15. Usher, A o P., "Technical Change and Capital Formation," in Capital
Formation and Economic Growth, ed. by M. Abramovitz „ Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 1955°
16. Weintraub, Do, "Effects of Current and Prospective Technological
Developments upon Capital Formation," American Economic Review,
Supplement, XXIX, Mar., 1939, PPo 15-32o

Inventories and Cyclical Instability
Books o

1. Abramovitz,
2 8 Hawtrey, Ro

M., ^Inventories and Business Cycles—With Special Refto Manufacturers Inventories0 New York, National
of Economic Research, 1950Go, Capital and Employment, London, Longmans, rev0 ed.,


Abramovitz, M a , "Influence of Inventory Investment on Business
Cycles," in Conferenceon Business Cycles. New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1951•
2. Barber, C, L», "Inventory Fluctuations in Canada, 1918-50,"
Canadian Journal of Economics & Political Science, XVIII, Aug 0 ,
3e Mack, Ro Po, "The Process of Capital Formation in Inventories and
the Vertical Propagation of Business Cycles," Review of
Economics & Statistics, XXXV, Aug,, 1953* PP=

Metzler, L. A., "Factors Governing the Length of Inventory Cycles,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXIX, Feb 0 , 1947, pp0 1=15,
^ ^ "Business Cycles and the Modern Theory of Employment/'
American Economic Review, XXXVI, June, 1946, pp0 278-91,
Nature a n d Stability of Inventory Cycles," Review of
Economics & Statistics, XXIII, Aug0, 1941, pp0 113-290
7. Mills, E o S., "Expectations, Uncertainty and Inventory Fluctuations,"
Review of Economic Studies, XXIl(l), No* 57, 1954/55,
8. Nurkse, Ragnar, "Period Analysis and Inventory Cycles," Oxford
Economic Papers, VI, Sept,, 1954, pp0 203-25; comment by E, So
Mills, ibido, VII, June, 1955, pp0 226~8O
nie Cyclical Pattern of Inventory Investment," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LXVI, Aug,, 1952, pp0 385-408.
10o Whitin, To M o , "inventory Control in Theory and Practice," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LXVI, Nov*, 1952, pp0 502-210

Building-Transport Cycles
Books 0


Buckley* Kenneth, Capital Formation in Canada, 1896- 193O-* Toronto,
University of Toronto Press, 1955•
Long, C. D., Building Cycles and the Theory of Investmento Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1940o
Silberling, No Jo, The Dynamics of Business0 New York, McGraw-Hill,
1943, chapso 9-10o


Bowen, Ian, "Building Output and the Trade Cycle, Uo K o , 1924-38,"
Oxford Economic Papers, Noo 3, Feb., 1940«
2. Burns, A. F., "Long Cycles in Residential Construction," in Wesley
C« Mitchell: The Economic Scientist„ New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 19520
3. Isard, Walter, "Transport Development and Building Cycles," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LVI, Novo, 1942, pp0 90=112o
« _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " A Neglected Cycles The Transport-Building Cycle,"
Review of Economic Statistics, XXV, Novo, 19430
and Moses, Leon, "Frickey, Burns and Mitchell, and the
Transport-Building Cycle," Review of Economics 8c Statistics,
XXXII, Novo, 1950, ppo 347-51-

C. Financial Structure and Economic Growth

Institutional Savings-Investment"

Some Trends and Their Implications

lo Boehmler, E o W o , and others, Financial Institutions. Chicago, Irwin, 1951*
2. Dearing, Co L o , Retirement Pensions» Washington, Brookings, 1954,
3. Gesell, G. H., and Howe, E o Jo, Study of Legal Reserve Life Insurance
Companies 0 TNEC Monograph No. 28. Washington, GPO, 1941\


* 5.
* 6c

Goldsmith,^Ro Wo, The Share of Financial Intermediaries in National
Wealth and National Assets, 1900-490 " Occasional Paper 42 e
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1954„
Heller, Wo W o , Boddy, Fo M o , and Nelson, Co Lo £EdSo^ , Savings in the
Modern Economy0 Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1953,
Law and Contemporary Problems, "Institutional Investmentso" Duke
University Law School, XVII, Winter, 1952o
McCahan, David £Ed<T] , Investment of Life Insurance Funds „ Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1953°
Paish, Fo Wo, and Schwartz, Go Lo, Insurance Funds and Their Investment0
London, King, 19340
Rauschenbush, Stephen, Pension in Our Economy. Washington, Public
Affairs Press, 1934o
Saulnier, Ro Jo, Urban Mortgage Lending by Life Insurance Companieso
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1950o


Badger, S. C , "Unusual Features of Life Insurance Investing," Journal
of Finance, VI, June, 1951, pp« 77-840
2. Bowen, Ho Ro, and Meier, Go Mo, "Institutional Aspects of Economic Fluctuations," in Post-Keynesian Economics, ed0 by K* K* Kurihara0 New
Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1955> chap0 60
3. Clayton, G., "The Role of the British Life Assurance Companies in the
Capital Market," Economic Journal, LXI, March, 19510
4. Conklin, Go T o , "Direct Placements,"'journal of Finance, VI, June, 1951,
pp0 85-II80
5. Corson, J. Jo, Guthmann, Ho Go, and Murray, Ro F o , "Impact of Pension
Funding on the American Economy," Journal of Finance, VII, May,
1952, pPo 260-776. Edmunds, Starhl, "Financing Capital Formation," Harvard Business Review,
XXVIII, Jan., 1950, ppo 33-41,
7. Fraine, Ho Go, "The Valuation of Security Holdings of Life Insurance Companies," Journal of Finance, VI, June, 1951, PP° 124-380
* 80 Frost, Raymond^ "Some Implications of the Growth of Investment by Institutions, 1938-53," Oxford Economic Papers, VII, Feb,, 1955, PPo 1=10.
9c Garvy, George, "The Effect of Private Pension Plans on Personal Savings,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXII, Novo, 1950o
10. Geren, P o , "The Contribution of Life Insurance to the Savings Stream,"
Journal of Political Economy, XLIX, Febo, 194311o Jones, Homer, "The Optimum Rate of Investment, the Savings Institutions,
and the Banks," American Economic Review, Supplement, XXXVIII, May,
1948, ppo 321-39~
"Investment in Equities by Life Insurance Companies," Journal of
" " Finance, V, June, 1950o
3- _ _ _ - , n T h e F l o w o f Savings," Ptso 1-2, Journal of Finance, III, 0cto,
1948, pp0 1-26; IV, March, 1949, PP» 28-46o
14. McDiarmid, Fo Jo, "Current Trends in Institutional Investments," Journal
of Finance, IV, June, 1949o
"Statistics in Insurances Life Company Investments and the
Capital Markets," Journal of the American Statistical Association,
June, 1948.
16. Morton, W* A., "The Structure of the Capital Market and the Price of Money,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May, 1954, ppo 440~54o
17« Nerlove, S. H., "Common Stocks as Investments for American Life Insurance

Companies? A Non-Academic View," Pts. 1-2, Journal of Finance, III, Oct0,
1948, ppo 455-70.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







O'Leary, Jo Jo, "The Institutional Saving-Investment Process and Current Economic Theory," Ameri.can_Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV",
May, 1954, pPo 455-70o
"The Effects of Recent Credit and Debt Management Policies
upon Life Insurance Company Investments," Journal of Finance, VII,
May, 1952, ppo 307-20o
Paish, Fo Wo, and Peacock, Ao T o , "The Economics of Pension Funds,"
Lloyds Bank Review, 0cto, 1954„
Preston, Esme, "Personal Saving through Institutional Channels," Oxford Institute of Statistics, Bulletin, XIV, Sept0, 1952O
Saunders, Ro Duane, "Government Securities in the Corporate Pension
Trust Picture," Proceedings of the American Statistical Association,
Montreal, Septo 10-13, 1954, ppo 159-65*
Saulnier, R. Jo, "Insurance Company Urban Mortgage Lending and the
Business Cycle," Journal of Finance, V, D e c , 1950o
Schmidt, Co H o , "Savings Institutions and Capital Markets," Federal
Reserve Bulletin, March, 1949o
Scott, Eo E., Sutton, B o , and O'Leary, Jo J., "Financial Problems of
Insurance Companies," Journal of Finance, IX, Mdy, 1954, pp* 136-76°
Waterman, Mo Ho, "Sources of Long-Term Capital," Michigan Business
Review, May, 1953 o
Corporate Earnings, Savings, and Capital Investment
Books 1

1. Amos, Jo Eo, The Economics of Corporate Savingo Urbana, University
of Illinois Press, 1937„
2o Corey, Eo R o , Direct Placement of Corporate SecuritiesP Boston,
Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1951°
3o Dauten, Co A o , Business Finance. New York, Prentice-Hall, 3d printing, 1949o
4e Dewing, Arthur So, The Financial Policy of Corporations„ New York,
Ronald Press, 5th edo, 19531
5. Dobrovolsky, So P., Corporate Income Retention, 1915-43o New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1951°
60 Henderson, R,o Fo, The New Issue Market and the Finance of Industry,
Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes, 1951»
7. Hickman, W. Braddock, Trends and Cycles in Corporate Bond Financingo
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 19520
8O Jacoby, No Ho, and Saulnier, Ro Jo, Business Finance and Banking.,
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 19479. Jones, Homer, Facilitating the Flow of Savings into Private Investmente
CED Research Study . New York, McGraw-Hill, 1955°
10. Kaplan, A. Do Ho, Small Businesss Its Place and Problems0 New York,
McGraw-Hill, 194911. Koch, A. Ro, The Financing of Large Corporations, 1920-39P New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1943°
12o Lutz, Fo A., Corporate Cash Balances, 1914-43. New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1945.
13. Mack, Ro P., The Flow of Business Funds and Consumer Purchasing Power.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1941o



Macrae, Norman, The London Capital Market0 London, Staples Press, 1955°
Merwin, Co L o , Financing Small Corporations in Five Manufacturing Industries, 1926-357 New York, "1942o
' "
Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research:
(a) Regularization of Business Investmento Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1954c
(b) Conference on Research in Business Financeo New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1952o
Uo S o Congress, Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Volume and
Stability of Private Investmento Hearings O o O Dec 0 6-I6/T949T
Washington, GPO, 1950o

1. Abbott, Co Co, "Sources of Business Funds: Selected Statistics, 193044,tT Review of Economic Statistics, XXVIII, Aug o , 1946, pp. 135-45*
2o Anderson, Clay J o , "Trends in the Supply of Equity Capital/1 Harvard
Business Review, XXVIII, Sept 0 , 1950, pp 0 79-890
3« Blom, F o ¥0 Co, "Business Savings and Employment," Oxford Economic^
Papers, III, June, 1951°
4« Bogen, Jo I.o, "The Importance of Equity Financing in the American
Economy," Journal of Finance, V, June, 1950, pp 0 170-80
5. Brandt, L o K o , "Sources of Funds for Financing Plant Expansion, 1946-48/
Southern Economic Journal, XV, Jan 0 , 1949°
60 Butler, Wo P., and Ulin, R. P o , "Business Needs for Venture Capital,"
Harvard Business Review, XXVIII, July, 1950, PP° 52-650
7* Corey, E o R«, "Corporate Financing by Direct Placement," Harvard
Business Review, XXVIII, Nov o , 1950, ppo 67-760
&c Dauten, Co A., and Welshans, Mo T o , "Investment Development Companies,"
Journal of Finance, VI, Sept 0 , 1951, PP° 276-9O0
9o Dobrovolsky, S, P., "Capital Formation and Financing Trends in Manufacturing and Mining, 1900-53," Journal of Finance, X, May, 1955,
pp 0 250-65.
_ _ "Corporate Retained Earnings and Cyclical Fluctuations,"
"American Economic Review, XXXV, Sept 0 , 1945, pp 0 559-74 „
ll 0 Erskine, Go, "Finance for Industry," Journal, of the Institute of
Bankers, LXXVI, June, 1955, ppo 153-72«
12« Frost, Raymond, "The Macmillan Gap, 1931-53>" Oxford Economic Papers,
VI, June, 1954, ppo 181-201•
13• Henderson, R o Fo, "The Significance of the New Issue Market for the
Finance of Industry," Economic Journal, LVIII, March, 1948O
14. Humphrey, Don., "The Relation of Surpluses to Income and Employing during
the Depression," American Economic Review, XXVIII, June, 193§, pp* 223-34.
15o Jacoby, No Ho, "The Demand for Funds by American Business "Enterpriseso°
Retrospect and Prospect," Pts 0 1-2, Journal of Finance, III, Oct 0 ,
1948; IV, March, 1949.
* l6o Jones, Homer, "Institutional Changes to Facilitate Equity Investment,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, LX, May, 1950* 17. Kuznets, Simon, "Factors in the Demand for Capital Funds," in Investment of Life Insurance Funds, ed0 by D. McCahan. Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1953* chap0 2.
* 180 Lintner, John, "The Determinants of Corporate Saving," in Savings in
the Modern Economy0 Minneapolis Press, 1953* PP° 230^60o
19. McFerrin, J, Bo, The Structure of the American Capital Market,"
Southern Economic Journal, XXI, Jan 0 , 1955* PP° 247-60o


Ruggles, Co, "The Relation of Corporate Surpluses and Employment,"
American Economic Review, XXIX, Dec o , 1939, PP° 724-33o
Schmidt, C, Ho, "Meeting the Long-Term Capital Requirements of Small
Business," Journal of Finance, VI, June, 1951, 143-9o
Schmidt, E o P o / "The Role and Problems of Small Business," Law and
Contemporary Problems, XVI, Summer-Autumn, 1945°
Sharp, Co Ho, "Public and Private Financing of Business Enterprise,"
Economic Journal, LXI, Dec 0 , 1951°
Smith Dan T., "Government Financial Aid to Small Business," Journal
of Finance, VI, June, 1951, ppo 150-6,
Tarshis, L*, "The Flow of Business Funds, Consumption and Investment,"
in Post-Keynesian Economics, New Brunswick, Rutgers University
Press, 1954o
Ulmer, Mo J o , "Long-Term Trends in the Financing of Regulated Industries, I87O-1950," Journal of Finance, X, May, 1955, pp 0 266-67.
Weidenhammer, Robert, "Causes and Repercussions of the Faulty Investment of Corporate Savings," American Economic Review, XXIII, Mar o ,
1933, PPo 35-41,



General D i s c u s s i o n s


Colm, Gerhard, Essays on Public Finance and Fiscal Policyo New York,
Oxford University Press, 1955o
Dalton, Hugh, Principles of Public Financeo New York, Praeger, revo
ed., 1955o
Eccles, Mo So, Economic Balance and Unbalanced Worldo New York> Harper, 1940.
Groves, H. M o , Viewpoints on Public Finance. New York, Holt, 1947o
Hansen, Ao H o , Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles„ New York, Norton, 1941«
Homan, P., and Machlup, Fo £Eds0J, Financing American Prosperity0 New York,
Twentieth Century Fund, 19450
Income, Employment, and Public Policy0 Essays in Honor of Ao Ho Hansen«,
New York, Norton, 1945'e
Maxwell, Jo A o , Fiscal Policyo Its Techniques and Institutional Settingo
New York, Holt, 19550
Millikan, Max£Ed/], Income Stabilization in a Developing Democracy0 New
Haven, Yale University Press, 1953°
Pigou, A, Co, A Study in Public Financeo London, Macmillan, 3d rev* ed0, 1951c
Poole, L Eo Edo , Fiscal Policies and the American Economy. New York,
Prentice-Hall, 1951,
Rolph, Eo R., The Theory of Fiscal Economics, Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1954o
Simons, H« C o , Economic Policy for a Free Societyo Chicago, University
of Chicago Press, 1947,
Smithies, A o , and Butters, Jo Ko jjildsoj, Readings in Fiscal Policy, Homewood,
Irwin, 1955o
Somers, H. M o , Public Finance and National Incomea Philadelphia, Blakiston,
Wernette, J. P., The Future of American Prosperityo New York, Macmillan, 1955«
Williams, J. Ho, Economic Policy in a Changing World„ New York, Oxford
University Press, 1953°


Harriss, Co L., "Public Finance," in A Survey of Contemporary Economics, II,
ede by Bo Fo Haley0 Homewood, Irwin, 1952, ppo 261-303.
Musgrave, Ro A o , "Fiscal Policy in Prosperity and Depression/1 American
Economic Review, Supplement, XXXVIII, May, 1948, pp0 383-94„
Samuelson, Po A o , "Principles and Rules in Modern Fiscal Policy," in Money,
Trade, and Economic Growth0 In Honor of Jo H. Williams * New York,
Macmillan, 1951«
Schumacher, Eo F o , "Public Finance--Its Relation to Full En^loyment," in
The Economics of Full Employment0 Oxford, Blackwell, 19440
Smithies, A., "Federal Budgeting and Fiscal Policy," in A Survey of Contemporary Economics, I, edo by H. S. Ellis• Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1947*
Strayer, P. Jo, "An Appraisal of Current Fiscal Theory," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XLII, May, 1952, pp* 138-46o


Tax and Budget Problems and Policies

Tax Revenues and Federal Expenditures




1. Anderson, ¥ 0 Ho, Taxation and the American Economy0 New York, PrenticeHall, 1951o
2, Blough, Roy, The Federal Taxing Process. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1952o
3. Browne, Vo Jo, The Control of the Public Budget0 Washington, Public
Affairs Press, 1949o
4 0 Committee for Economic Development, Control of Federal Expenditures„
New York, CED, Jano, 1955o
5o Crockett, Joseph P o , Federal Tax System of the United Stateso New York,
Columbia University Press, 1955 o
6. Douglas, Paul Ho, Economy in the National Governmento Chicago, University
of Chicago Press, 1952.
7« Due, JohnFo, Government Finances An Economic Analysis0 Homewood, Irwin, 1954c
8. Groves, Ho M o , Trouble Spots in Taxation, Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 1948O
9. Kimmel, L. H., Tax Bases and Tax Policyo Washington, Brookings, 1955.
-^* _ _ _ _ . Government Costs and Tax Levels 0 Washington, Brookings, 1948O
11. Paul, Randolph, Taxation in the United States, Boston, Little, Brown, 1954o
12. Smithies, Arthur, The Budgetary Process in the United Stateso New York,
13. Van de Woestyne, R. So Ed. , Some Problems in Federal Taxationo Chicago,
University of Chicago Press, 1949O

Federal Budget in Theory and Practice
Books o


Chubb, B e , The Control of Public Expenditure0 Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1952O
Colm, Gerhard, Essays on Public Finance and Fiscal Policy, New York,
Oxford University Press, 1954o
and Young, M«, The Federal Budget and the National Economy--How to
Make the Federal Budget a Better Tool of Fiscal Policy0 Washington,
National Planning Association, 1955°
4. Committee for Economic Development, The Stabilizing Budget Policy; What It
Is and How It Works „ New York, 1950 0
5« Dalton, Hugh, Principles of Public Finance. New York, Praeger, rev. edo, 1955*
60 Hansen, Ao H o , Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles, New York, Norton, 1941,
chap o 10 o

10 o

Hicks, Jo R o , The Problem of Budgetary Reform,, London, Oxford University
Press, 1948o
— Hicks, U. K., Public Financeo London, Nisbet, 1947.
Lerner, Ao P o , The Economics of Control„ New York, Macmillan, 19440
Lindahl, Erik, Studies in the Theory of Money and Capitalo New York, Farrar
& Rinehart, 1939, PP° 351-840
National Tax Association, Budgetary Policy and the Economic Outlooko Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference0 Sacramento, The Association, 1948,
papers by E. E o Hagen, Jo K, Langum, Co S. Shoup, and Herbert Stein.

1. Burkhead, Jesse, "The Balanced Budget," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVIII,
May, 1954, pp0 191-216; comment by Ho Stein, and reply, ibid0, LXIX, Feb.,
1955, PP. 153-6«


17 e

Burkhead, Jesse, "The Outlook for Federal Budget Making/' National
Tax Journal, II, Dec,,, 1949,, ppo 289-990
Burrows, D. So, "A Program Approach to Federal Budgeting," Harvard
Business Review, XXVII, May, 1949o
Cohn, S. Mo, "Managing the Federal Budget0S! Washington, American Society
of Public Administration, 1952o 10 pp0
Colgate, So Bayard, "A Business Look at Government Spending," Harvard
Business Review, XXXII, July-Augo, 1955, PP° 112-20o
Colm, Gerhard, "Fiscal Policy and the Federal Budget," in Economic
Stabilization in a Developing Democracy, edo by Mo Millikan* New
Haven, Yale University Press, 1953, pi>7 213-60o
_ _ _
"Comment on Extraordinary Budgets," Social Research, V, May, 1938,
pp 0 168-81.
Douglas, P. H«, "The Federal Budget," Journal of Finance, V, June, 1950.
Hagen, E o Eo, "Some Implications of the CED's 'Stabilizing Budget Policy/"
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conferenceo Sacramento, National Tax
Association, 1948, pp, 48l-91o
Hague, D. C o , "Keynesian Budget-Building," Westminster Bank Review, Feb,, 1953,
Hicks, Uo K., "The Budget as an Instrument of Policy, 1#37-1953," Three Banks
Review, June, 19530
Leppo, Matti, "The Double-Budget System in the Scandinavian Countries,"
Public Finance,, V, noo 2, 1950, pp 0 137-460
Mansfield, Edwin, "Congressional Alteration of the Executive Budget,"
Southern Economic Journal, XX, Jan o , 1954, pp. 252-70
Marx, Fritz Morstein, "The Divided Budget in Scandinavian Practice,"
National Tax Journal, VIII, June, 1955, PP* 186-2000
Maxwell, Jo A., "The Capital Budget," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LVII,
May, 1943o
Musgrave, Ro A o , "A Multiple Theory of the Budget," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XLVI, May, 195&O
The Nature of Budgetary Balance and the Case for the Capital
Budget," American Economic Review, XXIX, June, 1939, PP° 260-71o
National City Bank of New York, "Compensatory Budget: Theory vs 0 Practice," Monthly Letter, Dec o , 1949, pp. 139-430
Seckler-Hudson, C , "Performance Budgeting in the Government of the United
States," Public^ Finance^ VII, No o 4, 1952O
_ _ _ _ _ _ n The Current Trends in Public Budgeting in the United States,"
Public Finance, VI, No o 4, 1951o
Thompson, 'Spencer, H The Investment Budget," in Public Policy, II. Cambridge, Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration, 1941, chapo 2O

Some Current Debates on the Budget
(l) Balanced Budget Theorem

Baumol, Wo J o , and Chandler, L e V o ,
New York, Harper, 1954O

Economic Processes and Policies,







Baumol, W. J o , and Peston, M o EL, "More on the Multiplier Effects
of a Balanced Budget under Full Employment," American Economic
Review, XLV, March, 1955o
Gehrels, Franz, "Inflationary Effects of a Balanced Budget under
under Full Employment," American Economic Review, XXXIX, Dec o ,
1949, PPo 1276-80
Granie^ J o , "Budgetary Equilibrium, ,a Wrong Guarantee against
Inflation," Openbare Finaneifen, IV, no, 3, 1949„
Haavelmo, T o , "Multiplier Effects of a Balanced Budget,"
Econometrica, XIII, Oct., 1945, pp o 311-18. Reprinted in
Readings in Fiscal Policy.
Haberler, Go, and others, "Multiplier Effects of a Balanced Budget,"
Econometrica, XIV, April, 1946, pp o 148-58O
Hagger, A o , "The Balanced Budget Theorem," Economic Record, XXX,
May, 1955 Feston, M o Ho, M A Note on the Balaned Budget Multiplier," American
Economic Review, XLIV, Mar o , 1954, pp, 129-30o
Sanujelson, P. A., ^The Simple Mathematics of Income Determination,"
i n Income, Employment, and Public Policy0 New York, Norton, 1948 0
Turvey, Ralph, "Some Notes on Multiplier Theory," American Economic
Review, XLIII, June, 1953, PP° 275.95.
¥allich, Ho Co, "Income-Generating Effects of a Balanced Budget,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LIX, Nov o , 1944, pp 0 78-9I0
\(hite, W. Ho, "Measuring the Inflationary Significance of a Government Budget," IMF—Staff Papers I, April, 1951, PP° 355-78.

Budget Flexibility and


Built-in2 Stabilizers
Books o



Hart, Ao Go, Money, Debt and Economic Activity, New York, PrenticeHall, 2d revo ed., 1953°
Maxwell, J. A., Fiscal Policy<> Its Techniques and Institutional
Setting, New York, Holt, 1955o
Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research,
Policieg to Combat Depression
Special Conference Series .
Princeton, Princeton University Press, in process 1955°
White, Mo I o , Personal Income Tax Reduction in a Business Contraction«,
New York, Columbia University Press, 1951°
Articles 1


Musgrave, R o A,, "TheFiacal Outlook," Journal of Business, XXVII,
Jan.,-1.954, pp- 4-16.
and Miller, M. H., "Built-in Flexibility," American
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Instruments and Objectives

Income and Profits Taxation —

Principles and Practices





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1. Blum, W. J., and Kalven, H., Jr., The Uneasy Case for Progressive
Taxation. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 19532. Shebab, F., Progressive Taxation: A Study in the Development of
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(2) Profits Taxation

Buehler, A. G., The Undistributed Profits Tax. New York, McGrawHill, 1937.
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Gillim, M. H., The Incidence of Excess Profits Taxation. New
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Hicks, J. R., Hicks, U* K., and Rostas, L., The Taxation of War
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Lav and Contemporary Problems, "Excess Profits Taxation,Tt Duke University School of Law, X, No. 1, 1943.
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York, Columbia University Press, 1940.
~ ~
Moult, F. G., Economic Consequences of E.P.T., London, Fiscal Press,
Tax Institute, Excess Profits Taxation. A Symposium* Princeton,
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Banker, The, "Reforming the Tax System" (on Radcliffe Report), CV,
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Dugan, J. E*, and Zubrow, R. A*, "The Influence of the Excess Profits Tax
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Keith, E. Gordon, Smith, D. T., and others, "Symposium on the Excess
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Lacey, K., "The Tucker Report and the Technique of Adjusting Taxable
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Lent, G. E., "Excess Profits Taxation in the United States," Journal
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Review, June, 1955.
Ratchford, B. Uo, "The Federal Excess Profits Tax." Pts. 1-2, Southern
Economic Journal, XII, July, 1945, pp o 1-16; Oct., 1945, pp. 97-114.
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Shoup, Co S., "The Taxation of Excess Profits," Political Science Quarterly, LV, D e c , 1940, pp. 535-55; LVI, Mar., 1941, pp. 84-106, and
June, 1941, pp 0 226-49»
Federal Taxation of Capital Gains


Seltzer, L« H*, The Nature and Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses.
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1951.
U, S. Treasury Department, Tax Advisory Staff, Federal Income Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses. Washington, D. Co, 1951.

* 1.

Break, G. F., "On the Deductibility of Capital Losses under the Income
Tax/1 Journal of Finance, VII, May, 1952, pp. 214-29.
2. Cloe, C. W., "Capital Gains and the Changing Price Level," National
Tax Journal, V, Sept., 1952, pp. 207-17.
3. Director, A., "Capital Gains and High Rates of Progressive Taxation,"
Proceedings of 46th Annual Conference. Sacramento, National Tax
Association, 1954.
4. Douglas, M., "Income Receipts vs. Capital Gains under the Canadian Income
Tax Law," Tax Bulletin, I, Nov.-Dec, 1951, pp. 166-89.
5- Kaldor, N., "The Income Burden of Capital Taxes," Review of Economic
Studies, IX, No. 2, Summer, 1942.
6. Miller, P., "Capital Gains Taxation of the Fruits of Personal Effort:
Before and Under the 1954 Code/' Yale Law Journal, Nov., 1954.
"The fCapital Asset" Concept: A Critique of Capital Gains
Taxation," Yale Law Journal, April, 1950.
8. Norman, H. G., "Income Receipts vs. Capital Gains under the Canadian
Inc6me Tax Law," Proceedings of 5th Tax Conference. Toronto,.
Canadian Tax Foundation, 1951°
* 9- Seltzer, L. H., "Capital Gains and the Income Tax," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950, pp. 371-8.
"Evolution of the Special Legal Status of Capital Gains under
the Income Tax," National Tax Journal, III, Mar., 1950, pp. 18-35.
11. Somers, H. M*, "An Economic Analysis of the Capital Gains Tax," National
Tax Journal, I, Sept., 1948, pp. 226-32.
12. Wells, Anita, "Legislative History of Treatment of Capital Gains under
the Federal Income Tax, 1913-48," National Tax Journal, II, Mar, 1949-


Commodity Taxation:

Sales and Excise Taxes

* 1.

Due, John F., Government Finance: An Economic Analysis* Homewood,
Irwin, 1954, chaps. 16-18.
^ The Theory of ^Incidence and of Sales Taxation. New York,
Columbia University Press, 1942.
Haig, R. M., and Shoup, C. S., The Sales Tax in the American States.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1934.
National Industrial Conference Board, Consumption Taxes and Tax Reform.
New York, 1953.
— —
— —
Perry, J. H., Taxation in Canada. Toronto, University of Toronto Press,
2d ed., 1954.
Rolph, E. R., The Theory of Fiscal Economics. Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1954.


Abbott, L., "A Theory of Excise Subsidies: Comment," American Economic
Review, XLIII, Dec. l<25i* pp. 890-5; rejoinder by E. R. Rolph, pp. 89O-8.
2. Bre&k, G: FV, "Excise Tax BuMetis and Benefits," American 'Economic Review,
XLIV, Sept., 1954, pp. 577-94.
3. Brown, E. C , "Analysis of Consumption Taxes in Terms of the Theory of
Income Determination,1' American Economic Review,' XL, March, 1950, pp.
74-89; comment by L. S. Bitter, ibid., XLI, Mar., 1951, pp. 191-3.




Chang, Pao Lun, "A Note on the Progressive Consumption Tax," Journal of
Finance, VIII, Sept., 1953, VV* 333-42.
Colberg, M. R 9 , "Shifting of a Specific Excise Tax," Public Finance, IX,
No, 2, 1954.
Corlett, W. J., and Hague, D* C ,
"Complementarity and the Excess Burden
of Taxation," Review of Economic Studies, XXI, 1953/54, pp. 21-30.
Davidson, R. K., "The Alleged Excess Burden of an Excise Tax," Review
of Economic Studies, XX(2), No. 53, June, 1953Due, J. F., "Sales Taxation in Western Europe," Pts. 1-2, National
Tax Journal, LXVII, June, 1955, PP« 171-85; and Sept., 1955"American and Canadian Experience with the Sales Tax,"
Journal of Finance, VII, Sept., 1952, pp* 463-73_____
"The Sales Tax as an Anti-inflationary Measure," Public
Finance, V I , No. 4, 1951*
"Retail Sales Taxation in Theory and Practice," National Tax
Journal, III, D e c , 1950.
"A General Sales Tax and the Level of Employment," National
Tax Journal, II, June, 1949, pp* 122-30.
Ferber, R», "How Aware Are Consumers of Excise Changes?" National Tax
Journal, VII, D e c , 1954, pp. 355-8.
Friedman, M., "The 'Welfare! Effects of an Income Tax and an Excise
Tax," Journal of Political Economy, LX, Feb., 1952, pp. 25-33.
Reprinted in Essays in Positive Economics. See also comment "by
C. G. Phipps,ibid., Aug., 1952, pp. 33-6.
Henderson, A., "The Case for Indirect Taxation," Economic Journalf LVIII,
Dec., 1948, pp. 538-53.
Hicks, U« K., "The Role of Indirect Taxation in the Modern Economy,"
Revue de Science et de Legislation Financi^res, Oct.-Dec, 1952.
Jenkins, H. P. B., "Excise-Tax Shifting and Incidence: A Money-Flows
Approach," Journal of Political Economy, LXIII, Apr., 1955* pp. 125-49*
Joseph, M. F. W., "The Excess Burden of Indirect Taxation," Review of
Economic Studies, VI, No. 3, June, 1939, pp. 226-31.
Ealdor, N., "Welfare Propositions in Economics and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility," Economic Journal, XLIX, Sept., 1939, PP- 549-52.
Koo, A. Y. C ,
"Welfare and Direct Taxation," Canadian Journal of Economics
& Political Science, XXI, Feb.1955, PP« 43-51Lindholm, R, W., "State Fiscal Activity, 1945-49," National Tax Journal,
III, Sept., 1950.
Little, I. M. D., "Direct vs. Indirect Taxes," Economic Journal, LXI,
Sept., 1951, PP.. 577-84.
Little, L. T., "Direct Taxation and the Inflationary and Deflationary
Effects of Fiscal Policy," Accounting Research (London), July, 1950.
Malach, V. W-, "Sales and Output Taxes," American Economic Review, XLIV,
Mar., 1954, pp. 123-9) with comment by K. E. Boulding, p. 129.
Miller, D. C > "Federal Sales Taxation: Manufacturers1 or Retail Levy?"
Proceedings of 47th Annual Conference. Sacramento, National Tax
Association, 1954, pp. 249-53Morton, W. A*, "A Progressive Consumption Tax," National Tax Journal, IV,
June, 1951, pp. 160-6.
Musgrave, R. A., "On Incidence," Journal of Political Economy, LXI,
Aug., 1953, PP. 306-23.
"General Equilibrium Aspects of Incidence Theory," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLIII, May, 1953, pp. 504-17.
Newcomer, Mabel, "Taxation and the Consumer," The Annals of the American
Academy of Political & Social Science, v» 266 > Nov., 1949, pp. 55-62.

* 34.
* 35*




Poole, K. E., "Problems of Administration and Equity under a Spendings
Tax," American Economic Review, XXXIII, Mar., 1943, PP* 63-73Quantius, F», "Sales Taxes and the Propensity to Consume," Southern
Economic Journal, XI, Jan,, 1945•
Ritter, L. S., "Consumption Taxes and Income Determination: Comment,"
American Economic Review, XLI, Mar*, 1951; PP° 191-3*
Rolph, E. R., and Break, G. F., "The Welfare Aspects of Excise Taxes,"
Journal of Political Economy, LVII, Feb., 1949, pp. 45-54.
Schwartz, Eli, and Moore, D. A., "The Distorting Effects of Direct
Taxation: A Re-evaluation," American Economic Review, XLI, Mar.,
1951, PP- 139-48,
Soloway, Arnold, "Economic Aspects of the British Purchase Tax,"
Journal of Finance, IX, May, 1954, pp. 188-208.
_ _ _ I I Z "The Purchase Tax and Fiscal Policy," National Tax Journal,
IV, D e c , 1951, pp. 304-14.
Stockfisch, J. A., "The Capitalization and Investment Aspects of Excise
Taxes under Competition," American Economic Review, XLIV, June,
1954, pp. 287-300.
Suits, D# B«, and Musgrave, R. A*, "Ad Valorem and Unit Taxes Compared,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVII, Nov., 1953*
Wald,, H. P., "The Classical Indictment of Indirect Taxation/' Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LVIII, D e c , 1948, pp 0 538-53*
Walker, David, "The Direct-Indirect Tax Problem: Fifteen Years of
Controversy," Public Finance, X, No. 2, 1955, -pV> 153-76.
Wells, Paul, "A General Equilibrium Analysis of Excise Taxes," American
Economic Review, XLV, June, 1955> pp. 345-59-

d. Estate, Inheritance, and Gift Taxation
1. Bhargava, R. N., The Principle and Problems of Inheritance Taxation.
Benares, Kishore, 1952.
2. Harriss, C. L., Gift Taxation in the United States* Washington,
American Council on Public Affairs, 1940,
3« Paul, Randolph E o , Federal Estate and Gift Taxation. Boston, Little,
Brown, 1942.
4. Shultz, W. J., The Taxation of Inheritance. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1926.
5- U. S. Treasury Department, Federal Estate and Gift Taxes. Washington,
GPO, 1947.
6. Vickrey, William, Agenda for Progressive Taxation. New York, Ronald
Press, 1947, chaps- 7-9.
7. Wedgewood, Sir Josiah, The Economics of Inheritance. London, Routledge,


1. Bloch, H. S., "Economic Objectives of Gratuitous Transfer Taxation!™
National Tax Journal, IV, June, 1951, pp. 139-47.
2. Fijalkowski-Bereday, G. Z«, "The Equalizing Effects of Death Duties,"
Oxford Economic Papers, II, Jan., 1950, pp. 176-96.

3. Hall, J. K., "Incidence of Death Duties," American Economic Review,
XXX, Mar., 1940, pp. 46-594. Harriss, C. L., "Stock Prices, Death Tax Revenues, and Tax Equity,"
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"Federal Estate Taxes and Philanthropic Bequests," Journal
of Political Economy, LVII, Aug., 1949.
"Liquidity of Estates and Death Tax Liability," Political
Science Quarterly, LXIV, D e c , 1949, pp. 533-597. Hawkes, G. R., "Death Duties and Double Taxation: Canada and the
United States Compared," National Tax Journal, V, June, 1952,
pp. 145-54.
* 8. Keith, E. Gordon, "How Should Wealth Transfers Be Taxed?" American
Economic Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950, pp. 379-404.
9. Oakes, E. E., "Development of American State Death Taxes," Iowa
Law Review, XXVI, Mar., 1941, pp. 451-78.
10. Rudick, H. J., "A Proposal for an Accessions Tax," Proceedings of the
39th Annual Conference. Sacramento, National Tax Association,
1947, pp. 179-9711.
,., "What Alternative to Estate and Gift Taxes?" California
Law Review, XXXVIII, Mar., 1950, pp* 150-82.


Property Taxation

* 1.

Jensen, Jens P., Property Taxation in the United States. Chicago,
University of Chicago Press, 1931*
Perry, J. H f , Taxation in Canada. Toronto, University of Toronto
Press, 2d rev* ed., 1954.
Somers, H. M., Public Finance and National Income. Philadelphia, Blakiston,

1. Burkhead> J. V., "Property Tax as a Burden on Shelter," Journal of Land
& Public Utility Economics, Aug., 1944.
2« Buehler, A* G*, "The Capitalization of Taxes," National Tax Journal,
IV, D e c , 1950, pp. 283-97.
3* Cheng, p« L., "Counter-Cyclical Property Taxation," American Journal of
Economics & Sociology, XIV, Jan., 1955, pp. I7I-H4I
4. Campbell, Colin D., "Are Property Tax Rates Increasing?" Journal of
Political Economy, LIX, Oct., 1951, pp. 432-4.
5# Cornick, P. H., "Evaluation of Alternative Basis for the Property Tax,"
American Journal of Economics & Sociology, XIII, Oct., 1953, pp. 157-69.
6. Davisson, M. M., and Schmelzle, ¥. K., "Equalization of Property Tax
Assessments in California," National Tax Journal, III, Sept., 1950,
pp. 221-32.
7. Groves, H. M., "The Property Tax in Canada and the United States," Land
Economics, XXIV, Feb., 1948, pp. 23-30; May, 1948, pp. 120-8.
8. Lee, Eugene C , "State Equalization of Local Assessments," National Tax
Journal, VI, June, 1953, pp* 176-87.



Mitchell, G* W., "Property Taxation in Relation to Investment in
Urban Areas," Journal of Finance, VI, June, 1951, pp. 200-8.
Newcomer, Mabel, "The Growth of Property Tax Exemption," National
Tax Journal, VI, June, 1953, PP* 116-28.
^ "The Decline of the General Property Tax," National Tax
Journal, VI, March, 1953, pp. 38-51.
Simpson, H. Da, "Changing Theory of Property Taxation," American
Economic Review, XXIX, Sept., 1939•
Vandervliet, B», "Property Taxation in Theory and Practice,"
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference. Sacramento, National
Tax Association, 1952, pp. 152-60.

Public Expenditures in Fiscal Theory


Beveridge, Lord, Full Employment in a Free Society. New York, Norton, 1945«
Due, JohnF., Government Finance: An Economic Analysis. Homewood, Irwin,
1954, chaps. 3 and 23*
3. Groves, H* M., Financing Government. New York, Holt, 4th rev. ed., 1954, Pt. 3»
4. Hansen, A. H., Economic Policy and Full Employment, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1947.
5. Higgins, B. H., Public Investment and Full Employment. Montreal, International
Labour Office, 1946.
6. Lindholm, R. ¥., Public Finance and Fiscal Policy. New York, Pitman, 1950, Pts. 2-3.
7# Smith, Dan To, Deficits and Depression. New York, Wiley, 1936.

1* Anderson, C. J., "The Compensatory Theory of Public Works Expenditure,"
Journal of Political Economy, LIII, Sept., 1945, pp. 258-74.
"The Development of Pump-Priming Theory," Journal of Political
Economy, LII, June, 1944.
3« Clark, J. M., "An Appraisal of the Workability of Compensatory Devices,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XXIX, 1939 j PP° 194-208.
4. Colm, G., "Theory of Public Expenditures," The Annals of the American Academy
of Political & Social Science, v. 183, Jan,, 1936.
5. Due, J. F., "Government Expenditures and Their Significance for the Economy,"
in Fiscal Policies and the American Economy. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1951•
6. Hansen, A* H., and Greer, Guy, "Toward Full Use of Our Resources/1 Fortune,
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7* Harriss, C. L*, "Government Expenditures and the Long-Rua Goals, of Economic
Growth," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLVI, May, 1956,
Q. •
"Government Expenditure: Significant Issues of Definition,"
Journal of Finance, IX, D e c , 1954.
9. Kendrick, M. S*, "Public Expenditures: A Neglected Consideration in Tax
Incidence Theory," American Economic Review, XX, June, 1930, pp. 226-30.
10. Samuelson, P. A., "Aspects of the Abstract Theory of Public Expenditure,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XLVI, May, 1956.
1 #
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and Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXVI, Nov., 1954, pp. 387-9.
12. Smith, Dan T., "Government Expenditures and the Short-Run Goal of Steady
Growth," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLVI, May, 1956.
13. Str^yer, P. J., "Public Expenditure Policy," American Economic Review, XXXIX,
March, 1948.



Tax Policy for a Dynamic Economy

Incidence and Effects of Income and Profits Taxation


1. Black, Duncan, The Incidence of Income Taxes. London, Macmillan, 19392. Groves, H. M», Postwar Taxation and Economic Progress. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1946.
3* Magill, Roswell, The Impact of Federal Taxes. New York, Columbia
University Press, 1942.
4. National Industrial Conference Board, The Shifting and Effects of
the Federal Corporation Income Tax. New York, 1928-29,
5- U.K. Colwyn Committee on Debt and Taxation, Report. Cmd. 2800.
London, H.M.S*O., 192?^* _______ Radcliffe Royal Commission on the Taxation of Profits and
a. Final Report. Cmd. 9474. London, H,M»S.O., 1955t>. Second Report. Cmd. 9105* London, H.JVLScO., 1954*
c. First Report. Cmd. 8751. London, H.M.S.O., 19537- U. S«, Taxation, Recovery and Defense0 TNEC Monograph No. 20,
Washington, GPO, 1941.
^a _ _ _
Taxation of Corporate Enterprise. TNEC Monograph No. 9Washington, GPO, 1941.
9» von Mering, Otto, The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1942.

1. Beck, Morris, "Ability to Shift Corporate Income Tax: Seven
Industrial Groups," National Tax Journal, V, Sept., 1950.•
2. Bergson, A., "The Incidence of an Income Tax on Savings," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LVI, Feb., 1942.
3. Bradley, Philip D/, " "The Direct Effects of a Corporate Income Tax,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LVI, Aug., 1942.
4. Brovnlee, 0* H., "Taxation and the Price Level in the Short Run,"
Journal of Political Economy, LXII, Feb., 1954.
5« Fellner, W., "Average Cost Pricing and the Theory of Uncertainty,"
Journal of Political Economy, LVI, June, 1948, pp. 249*52.
* 6. Goode, Richard, "The Corporate Income Tax and the Price Level,"
American Economic Review, XXXV, Mar,, 1945,\pp* 40-58; and
comments, ibid., XXXVI, Mar., 1946, pp. 146-8.
7- Robertson, D. H., "The Colwyn Committee, the Income Tax, and the
Price Level," Economic Journal, XXXVI, D e c , 1927.
8. Shoup, C. S«, "Some Considerations on the Incidence of the Corporation
Tax"(with discussion), Journal of Finance, VI, June, 1951, pp* 187-99.
"Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax: Capital Structure
and Turnover Rates/' National Tax Journal, I, Mar., 1948, pp. 12-7.
10. Weston, J. Fred, "Incidence and Effects of the Corporate Income Tax,"
National Tax Journal, II, D e c , 1949, pp. 300-15.


Taxation and Incentives


Kimmel, L. H«, Taxes and Economic Incentives. Washington, Brookings, 1950'
Rhys-Williams, Lady, Taxation and Incentive. New York, Oxford
University Press, 1953Articles:



Booker, H. S., "Income Tax and Incentive to Effort," Economica,
XII, Nov., 1945, pp* 243-7.
Break, G. F*, "Income Taxes, Wage Rates and Incentive to Supply
Labor Services," National Tax Journal, VI, D e c , 1953, pp. 333-52.
Chambers, S. P., "Taxation-and Incentives," Lloyds Bank Review,
Apr*, 1948, pp. 1-12.
Goode, Richard, "The Income Tax and the Supply of Labor," Journal of
Political Economy, LXII, Oct., 1949, pp. 428-37Guthmann, H. Go, Shoup, C. S., and Mitchell, G. Wo, "Taxation and
Business Incentive" (with discussion), Journal of Finance, VI,
June, 1951, pp. 161-210.
Special Problems in Business Taxation


Corporate Taxation and Business Structure




Butters, J. K., Lintner, J., and Cary, W. L. ; Effects of Taxation on Corporate Mergers. Boston, Harvard Graduate School
of Business Administration, 1951Effect of Federal Taxes on Growing Enterprises.
Boston, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration,
Tax Institute, Taxation and Business Concentration. A Symposium.
Princeton, The Institute, 1952.



Blair, J. Mo, and Harrison, F. H., "The Lintner-Butters Analysis
of the Effect of Mergers on Industrial Concentration, 194047," Review of Economics 8c Statistics, XXXIII, Feb., 1951;
and comments, ibid,, pp. 67-75*
Butters, J, K., "Taxes and Mergers," Harvard Business Review, LXIV,
Mar,, 1951.
"Taxation and New Product Development," Harvard Business
Review, LIX, Summer, 1945, PP° 451-9and Lintner, John, "Tax and Non-Tax Motivations for
Mergers," Journal of Finance, VI, D e c , 1951 •


Influence of Tax Policy on Business Financing and Investment
See above Part IV, Section IV-B-2«



Butters, J« K., and others, Effects of Taxation: Investment
by Individuals* Boston, Harvard Graduate School of
Business Administration, 1953•
Magee, J. D., Taxation and Capital Investment. Washington,
Brookings, 1943.
Smith, Dan T., Effects of Taxation: Corporate Finance Policy.
Boston, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration,



Abbott, Co C , and Zuckert, E. M., "Venture Capital and Taxation,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LV, Aug 0 , 1941, pp. 667-82.
Benewitz, M. C», "Theoretical Effects of Income Averaging for
Tax Purposes on Investment Decisions," National Tax Journal,
VI, June, 1954, :pp. 194-6.
Brown, E. Co, "Busiriess Income Taxation and Investment Incentives,"
in Income, Employment and Public Policy. New York, Norton,










Butters, J. K., "Taxation, Incentives and Financial Capacity,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May, 1954, pp.
504-19. Reprinted in Readings in Fiscal Policy.
"Federal Income Taxation and External vs. Internal
Financing," Journal of Finance, IV, Sept., 1949*
"Discriminatory Effects of the Annual Computation of

the Corporation Income Tax," Quarterly Journal of Economics,
LIV, Nov., 1939, PP» 51-72.
7. Chambers, S. P., "Taxation and the Supply of Capital for Industry,"
Lloyds Bank Review, Jan,, 1949, VV° 1*20.
8. Dobrovolsky, So P., "Business Income Taxation and Asset Expansion,"
Journal of Finance, IV, Sept., 1949, pp. 183-96.
9. Domar, E- D., and Musgrave, R. A., "Proportional Income Taxation
and Risk-Taking," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LVIII,
May, 1944.
10. Goode, R., "Effects of Taxation on Individual Investment and Corporate Financing," The Annals of the American Academy of
Political 8c Social Science, CCLXVI, Nov. 1949.
* 11. Hicks, U. K., "Our Flagging Industrial Investment," District Bank
Review, Sept., 1954.
12. Hobson, Sir Oscar, "Wanted,a Free Capital Market," Three Banks
Review, March, 1955.
13. Howell, P. L., "The Effects of Federal Income Taxation on the
Form of External Financing by Business," Journal of Finance,
IV, Sept*, 1949, pp. 208-26.
14. Jacoby, N. H., "The Demand for Funds by American Business Enterprises: Retrospect and Prospect," Journal of Finance, III,
Oct., 1948, pp. 27-38; IV, Mar., 1949.
15. Kaldor, N., "The Economic Effects of Company Taxation," paper
given before the Manchester Statistical Society, Jan., 1955.

* 16.

Keith^ E. Gordon, "Repercussions of the Tax System on Business,"
in Fiscal Policies and the American Economy. New York,
Prentice-Hall, 195117.
"Tax Policy and Investment," The Annals of the American
Academy of Political & Social Science, v. 266, Nov., 1949* 18. Lintner, John, "Effects of Corporate Taxation on Real Investment,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May, 1954, pp.520-34.
* 19. Miller, D. C , "Corporate Taxation and Corporate Financing,"
American Economic Review, XL1I, D e c , 1952, pp. 839-54.
-20. Paish, F. ¥., "Company Profits and Their Distribution," District
Bank Review, June, 1955> pp. 3-26.
21. Piercy, Lord, "The Macmillan Gap and the Shortage of Risk Capital,"
inaugural address as President of the Royal Statistical
Society, Nov. 17, 1954.
22. Redfern, Philip, "Net Investment in Fixed Assets in the U- K.,
1938-53," paper read before the Royal Statistical Society,
Jan. 19, 1955.
23. Shoup, C. S., "Taxation and Industry," Revue de Science et de
Legislation Financieres, Jan,-Mar., 1955*
24. Smith, D. T., "Corporate Taxation and Common Stock Financing,"
National Tax Journal, V I , Sept., 1953, PP- 209-25; comment
by J. Stockfisch, and reply, ibid., VII, June, 1954, pp. 82-8.
"Effects of Taxation on Individual Investment and Corporate Financing," The Annals of the American Academy of
Political & Social Science, v. 266, Nov., 1949, pp. 100-9.
* 26. Streeten, Paul, "The Effect of Taxation on Risk Taking," Oxford
Economic Papers, V, Oct., 1953> VV- 271-87.
27, Thompson, L. E., and Butters, J. K., "Effects of Taxation on the
Policies and Capacities of Individuals," Journal of Finance,
VIII, May, 1953, PP* 137-5128. Walker, David, "Some Economic Aspects of the Taxation of Companies,"
The Manchester School, XXII, Jan., 1954.
29* Wallich, H. C», "Effect of Taxation on Investment," Harvard
Business Review, XXIII, Summer, 1945, pp. 442-50*


Depreciation as a Tax Problem






Brown, E. C , Effects of Taxation: Depreciation Adjustments for
Price Changes. Boston, Harvard Graduate School of Business
Administration, 1952.
Grant, E. L., and Norton, P. T., Jr., Depreciation.
New York,
Ronald Press, 1949Prather, C. L*, Financing Business Firms. Homewood, Irwin, 1955Terborgh, George, Realistic Depreciation Policy, Chicago,
Machinery & Allied Products Institute, 1954.


Break, G. F», "Capital Maintenance and the Concept of Income,"
Journal of Political Economy, LXII, Feb., 1954; comment by
E. C. Brown, and reply, ibid., LXIII, Feb., 1955, pp. 74-6.

Brown, E» C« ; "The New Depreciation Policy under the Income Tax,"
National Tax^Journal, VIII, Mar., 1955* PP- 81-98.
*!Tax Allowances for Depreciation Based on Changes in the
Price Level,t! National Tax Journal, I, D e c , 1948, pp, 311-21.
and Patterson, G«, "Accelerated Depreciation: A Neglected
Chapter in War Taxation," Quarterly Journal of Economics,
LVII, Aug., 19435. Dobrovolsky, S. P.> "Depreciation Policies and Investment
Decisions," American Economic Review, XLI, D e c , 1951/ PP- 906-14.
6. Domar, E- D*, "Depreciation, Replacement, and Growth," Economic
Journal, LXIII, Mar., 1953, pp.. 13-24.
* 7,
"The Case for Accelerated Depreciation," Quarterly Journal
of Economics, LXVII, Feb., 19537 PP- 493-519*
8. Edmonds, ¥. J«, "The Effect on Business Decisions of Changes in
Tax Depreciation Policy," National Tax Journal, VIII, Mar*,
1955, PP. 99-113.
9. Egerton, R. A. D., "The Capital Coefficient and the Rate of
Depreciation," Economic Journal, LXIII, Mar,, 1953* 10• Eisner, Robert, "Accelerated Depreciation: Some Further Thoughts,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX, May, 1955, PP* 285-96;
comment by G. 0* May, and reply, ibid,, pp. 296-304.
"Depreciation under the New Tax Law," Harvard Business
Review, XXXIII, Jan.-Feb., 1955, pp. 66-74.
"Depreciation Allowances, Replacement Requirements and
Growth," American Economic Review, XLII, D e c , 1952, pp. 820-31;
comment by Mo J. Gordon, and reply, ibid., XLIII, Sept., 1953*
1 #
_ _ „
"Accelerated Amortization, Growth, and Net Profits," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVI, Nov., 1952, pp. 533-44.
* 14. Goode, R., "Accelerated Depreciation Allowances as a Stimulus to
Investment," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX, May,
1955, PP. 191-220.
15# Hellmuth, W. F., Jr., "Depreciation and the 1954 Internal Revenue
Code," Journal of Finance, X, Sept., 1955, PP* 326-49.
16. McGurran, H. D«, "Deferred Depreciation," National Tax Journal,
IV, D e c , 1951, PP. 299-304.
17* Miller, J* Po, "The Pricing Effects of Accelerated Amortization,"
Review of Economics 8c Statistics, XXXIV, Feb., 1952.
18• Schiff, Eric, "A Note on Depreciation, Replacement, and Growth,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXVI, Feb., 1954, pp. 47-56.
19. Schlaifer, R., Butters, J. K«, and Hunt, P., "Accelerated Amortization," Harvard Business Review, XXIX, May, 1951*
20. Sharp, M. ¥•, "Deferred Depreciation—A Canadian Anti-inflationary
Measure," Journal of Finance, VII, May, 1952, pp. 331-46.
21. Wiles, P., "Corporate Taxation and Depreciation," Oxford Institute
of Statistics, Bulletin, XII, April, 1950.



The Role of Public Expenditures
!• Government Expenditures:

Patterns and Trends


Douglas, P« H., Economy in Government. Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 1952.
2. Fabricant, S., The Trend of Government Activity in the United States.
New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1952.
3. Kendrick, M« S., A Century and a Half of Federal Expenditure. [.Occasional Paper 48]. New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1955*
Public Finance. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1951, chap. 4.

Clarkj J. M*, "The Relation of Government to the Economy of the
Future," Journal of Political Economy, LXIX, D e c , 1941, pp« 797-8l6.
2. Kilpatrick, ¥•, and Drury, R« F., "Government Expenditures," in
America rs Needs and Resources—A New Survey. New York, Twentieth
Century Fund, 1955, chap. 18.
3- Musgrave, R. A., and Culbertson, J. M*, "The Growth of Public Expenditures in the United States, I89O-I948," National Tax Journal, VI,
June, 1953, PP. 97-1154. Peacock, A. T., "The Future of Government Expenditure," District Bank
Review, June, 1955, pp. 27-41.
2. Aspects of Public Investment

Public Works as a Depression Fiscal Policy


1. Burns, A. E., and Watson, D. S., Government Spending and Economic
Expansion, Washington, American Council on Public Affairs, 1940.
2. Clark, J. M., Economics of Planning Public Works. Washington, GPO, 1935.
3. Gayer, A. D«, Public Works in Prosperity and Depression« New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1935*
4. Higgins, B. H., Public Investment and Full Employment* Montreal,
International Labour Office, 1946.
5- Hansen, A. H., Economic Policy and Full Employment. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1947, pp. S3-90.
6. Lutz, H. L., Public Spending and the Private Economy. New York,
National Association of Manufacturers, 1949.
7. Villard, H* E., Deficit Spending and the National Income. New York,
Farrar & Rinehart, 1941.
1. Benoit-Smullyan, E., "Public Works in the Depression," American
Economic Review, XXXVIII, Mar,, 1948, pp. 134-9.
2. Hansen, A. H., and Greer, Guy, "Toward Full Use of Our Resources,"
Fortune, Nov., 1942.


* 4.

* 6.


Higgins, B. Ha, "The United States Public Work Reserve: An Experiment in the Coordination of Public Investment Planning,"
International Labour Review, Nov., 1944.
Howenstine, E. J», Jr., "The Alleged Inflexibility of Compensatory
Public Works/1 Journal of Political Economy, LIX, June, 1951*
pp. 233-41,
"An Inventory of Public Construction Needs," American
Economic Review, XXXVIII, June, 1948, pp. 353-66.
Maisel, S. J., "Timing and Flexibility of a Public Works Program,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXI, May, 1949, pp. 147-52.
Margolis, Julius, "Public Works and Economic Stability," Journal of
Political Economy, LVII, Aug., 1949, pp. 293-303Slichter, S. H., "The Economics of Public Works," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XXIV, Mar., 1934, pp. 174-85'
Public Expenditures and Welfare Programs

1. Altaian, Rdbert, Availability for Work. A Study in Unemployment
Compensation* Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1950.
2. Bachman, G. W«, and Meriam, L., The Issue of Compulsory Health
Insurance. Washington, Brookings, 1948.
3» Becker, J. M., The Problem of Abuse in Unemployment Benefits: A Study
in Limits- New York, Columbia University Press, 1953•
4. Bond, Floyd, Our Needy Aged: A California Study of a National Problem.
New York, Holt, 1954.
5. Brown, Josephine C , Public Relief, 1929-39. New York, Holt, 1940.
6* Burns, E. M., The American Social Security System. New York,
Houghton> 1949.
7. Dillingham, W. P., Federal Aid to Veterans, 1917-41. Gainesville,
University of Florida Press, 1952.
8. Ewing, 0. R., The Nation's Health: A Ten Year Program. A Report to
the President. Washington, Federal Security Agency, Sept., 1948.
9. Gagliardo, D., American Social Insurance. New York, Harper, rev. ed*, 1955*
10. Haber, W., and Cohen, W. J. [^EdsJ , Readings in Social Security. New
York, Prentice-Hall, 1948.
11. Linford, A. A., Old Age Assistance. Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
12. Mendelsohn, Ronald, Social Security in the English Commonwealth.
London, The Athlone Press, 1954.
13- Meriam, Lewis, Relief and Social Security. Washington, Brookings, 1946.
* 14.
and Schlotterbeck, C , The Cost and Financing of Social
Security. Washington, Brookings, 1950.
15. National Industrial Conference Board:
a* Muntz, E. E., Growth and Trends in Social Security. New York, 1949b* Steinhaus, H* W., Studies in Individual and Collective Security.
New York, 4th rev. edo, 1948.
c. Wilson, E. W., Compulsory Health Insurance. New York,. 1947•
16• Norton, J. K., and Lawler, E. S., Unfinished Business in American
Education. Washington, American Council on Education, 1946.
* 17- Peacock, A. T., Economics of National Insurance. Edinburgh, Hodge, 1952.
18. President's Commission on Higher Education, Higher Education for American
Democracy. New York, Harper, 1948.
19. Robson, W. A. C E d 0 > Social Security. London, Allen & Unwin, 1949.
20. Williams, Gertrude, The Price of Social Security. New York, Oxford
University Press, 1944.
21. Witte, E. E., Five Lectures on Social Security. Rio Piedras, University

1. Andrews, ¥. A«, and Miller, T» A*, "Unemployment Benefits, Experience
Rating, and Employment Stability," National Tax Journal, VII,
Sept., 1954, pp. 192-209,
2. Campbell, W. G., "The Economics of Social Security and the Theory of
Government Finance," National Tax Journal, VI, June, 1951> PP* 167-793. _______ and Campbell, R*, "Compulsory Health Insurance: The Economic
Issues," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVI, Feb., 1952; comments by I. s. Falk and D* Netzer, ibid., Nov., 1952, pp. 572-91.
4. Ginzberg, Eli, and others, "Economics of Medical Care," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLI, May, 1951* PP- 517-51*
5. Killingsworth, C. C*, and Schroeder, G», "Long-Range Cost Estimates
for Old Age Insurance," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXV,
May, 1951J comments by R. J. Myers, and reply, ibid,, LXVI, May,
1952, pp. 293-6.
60 Kimmel, L« H*^ "Is the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance Fund
Valid?" National Tax Journal, VII, D e c , 1954,
7* Meriam, L«, "Social Security in an Unstable World," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XXXVII, May, 1947, pp, 335-44.
8» Mushkin, So, "Fiscal Status of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Programs
in the U.S.," National Tax Journal, VIII, June, 1955, pp. 149-70.
9. Paish, F. W., and Peacock, A.* To, "Economics of Dependence (1952-82),"
Economica, XXI, Nov., 1954.
10. Peacock, A. T., "Modern Incidence Theory and the Study of Social
Security Taxation," Revue de Science et de Legislation Finaneieres, II, Apr.-June, 1955*
•*-•*•• _ _ _ _ _ "Social Security and Inflation* A Study of the Economic
Effects of an Adjustable Pension Scheme," Review of Economic
Studies, XX(3), 1952/53, PP- 169-73*
12 • Ratchford, B* U., "The Tax Status of Social Security Benefits,"
Southern Economic Journal, XX, Oct., 1953*
13• Robinson, G. B», "The Old Age Reserve Fund is Not Illusory," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LX, Nov., 1945*
14. Stark, J. R» , "Equities in the Financing of Federal 01d*Age and Survivors Insurance," National Tax Journal, VI, Sept., 1953*
15* Svan, E. J., "Financing Social Security," American Economic Review,
Supplement, XXXVII, May, 1947, pp. 345-50*
-^* _ _ _ _ _ "Economic Aspects of Social Security," in Housing, Social
Security and Public Works, Washington, B/G of Federal Reserve
System, 1946, pp. 40-62.
17* Thompson, C. C , "Financing Unemployment Insurance in the United States,"
Political Science Quarterly, LXIX, Mar., 1954, pp. 92-118.
18. Wold, K. G,, "Economic and Financial Aspects of Social Insurance
Schemes," Public Finance, V, No , 3, 1950.

Housing and Urb^n Redevelopment
Official Document:

1. President's Advisory Committee on Government Housing Policies and Programs*
Recommendations on Government Housing Policies and Programs* A
Report to the President• Washington, D e c , 1953.

1* Abrams, Charles, Forbidden Neighbors» New York, Harper, 1955*
The Future of Housing, New York, Harper, 1946.
3. Bowley, M., Housing and the State, 1919-44, London, Allen & Unwin, 1947.
* 4# Breese, H. L*, and Whitman, G.W. £Eds.J , An Approach to Urban Planning.
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1953*
* 5. Colean, M. L«, Renewing Our Cities. New York, Twentieth Century Fund,
Impact of Government on Real Estate Finance in the United
States. New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 19507* .
American Housing. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1944.
and Newcomb, R., Stabilizing Construction: The Record and
Potential. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1952.
9- Dewhurst, J. F., and Associates, America!s Needs and Resources--A
New Survey. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1955*
10. Gillies, James, and Curtis, C , Mortgage Lending in Local Markets*
Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1955*
11. GrelDler, Leo, The Role of Federal Credit Aids in Residential Construction. New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1953*
Housing Market Behavior in a Declining Area. New York,
C6lumbia University Press, 1952.
13. Greer, Guy, Your City Tomorrow. New York, Macmillan, 1947 •
^ others, The Problem of Urban Redevelopment, New York,
Institute of Postwar Reconstruction, 1944*
15. Harris, S. E. £Ed.]], Saving American Capitalism. New York, Knopf,
1948, chaps, by Guy Greer and C. Abrams.
16. Johns Hopkins University, Report of the Urban Planning Conference.
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1944.
17* LasCh, Robert, Breaking the Building Blockade* Chicago, University
of Chicago Press, 1946. ~~~
18. Law and Contemporary Problems, "Urban Housing and Planning/1 Duke
School of Law> XX, No. 3, Summer, 1955•
19* Maisel, Sherman J., Housebuilding in Transition. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1953.
20• Martinson, M^, and Banfield, E. C , Politics, Planning and the Public
Interest: The Case of Public Housing in Chicago. Glencoe: Free
Press, 1955*
21. Morton, W. A#, Housing Taxation, Madison, University of Wiscinson,
Press, 1955*
22. National Resources Planning Board:
a. The Role of the Housebuilding Industry. Washington, July, 1942.
b. Housings The Continuing Problem. Washington^ June, 194023. Rapkin, C , Winnick, L., and Blank, D., Housing Market Analysis: A
Study of Theory and Methods. Washington, Housing & Home Finance
24. Ratcliffe, R. U*, Urban LandJSconomlCs. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1949*
25. Renne, R* R., Land Economics. New York, Harper, 1947.
26* Silk, Leonard, Sweden Plans for Better Housing-- Durham, Duke University Press, 1948.
————27* Wendt, P., and Rathbun, D., The San Francisco Bay Area Residential
Mortgage Market. Washington, Housing & Home Finance Agency, 1952.
28. Woodbury, Coleman, Urban Redevelopment: Problems and Practices*
Chicago, University of ChicagcTPress, 1953.
£Ed/| , The Future of Cities and Urban Redevelopment« Chicago,
University of Chicago Press, 1953.











Abrams, C , TTThe Residential Construction Industry," in The Structure
of American Industry. New York, Macmillan, 1950.
Baratz, M. S., "Public Housing: A Critique and a Proposal," Social
Research, XX, Autumn, 1953Bloomberg, L. N., "The Role of the Federal Government in Urban Housing," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLII, May, 1952,
pp. 5 8 ^ 9 ^
and others, "Urban Redevelopment," in America Ts Needs and
Resources--A New Survey. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1955,
chap. 16.
Bogue, D. J., "The Spread of Cities," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLVI, May, 1956.
Bowen, Ian, "The Case for Rationalisation of the Building Industry,1"
The Manchester School, XIX, May, 1951.
Buckley, K., "Urban Building and Real Estate Fluctuations in Canada,"
Canadian Journal of Economics 8c Political Science, XVIII, Feb.,
1952, pp. 41-62.
Case, F. E., "The Budget as a Measure of the Federal Urban Housing
Programs," Journal of Finance, VI, D e c , 1951, PP- 429-39.
Cope, A. C , "A Financial Survey of British Housing since 1919/'
Journal of Finance, VI, Mar., 1951Downing, R. I., "Housing and Public Policy," Economic Record, XXIV,
June, 1948, pp. 72-86.
Gillies, J., "Some Financial Aspects of the Canadian Government Housing Program: History and Prospective Developments," Journal of
Finance, VIII, Mar., 1953and Curtis, C , "The Structure of Local Mortgage Markets and
Government Housiing Finance Programs," Journal of Finance, X,
Sept., 1955.
Grebler, Leo, "The Flow of Funds into Residential Construction, 191152," Journal of Finance, IX, D e c , 1954.
"Urban Redevelopment as an Outlet for Capital Investment,"
Land Economics, Nov., 1953*
"Housing Policies to Combat Depression," Conference on
Policies to Combat Depression. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1955"The Housing Inventory," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLI, May, 1951> PP* 555-6«.
Hansen, A. H., "Three Plans for Financing Urban Redevelopment."
Statement before Senate Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Redevelopment. Jan. 12, 1945*
and Greer, Guy, "Urban Redevelopment and Housing." Planning
Pamphlet No. 10. Washington, N* P. A., 1941.
Maisel, S. J., "Policy Problems in Expanding the Private Housing
Market," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLII, May, 1952, pp.
Marsh, L. C*, "The Economics of Low-Rent Housing," Canadian Journal of
Economics & Political Science, XV, Feb., 1949, pp. 14-33.
Munby, D. L., "Development Charges and the Compensation-Betterment
Problem," Economic Journal, LXIV, Mar., 1954, pp. 87-97; comment
by R. Turvey, ibid., June, 1954, pp. 58-60.
Muncy, D. A., "Land for Industry—A Neglected Problem," Harvard
Business Review, XXXII, Mar.-Apr., 1954, pp. 51-62.
Pfretzschner, P. A., "Urban Redevelopment: A New Approach to Urban
Reconstruction," Social Research, XX, Winter, 1953, pp, 418-44.


Roterus, V., "An Economist's View on Urban Planning/' American
Economic Review, LX, Mar., 1950.
Saville, J., "The Measurement of Real Cost in the London Building
Industry, 1923-39," Yorkshire Bulletin, I, Sept., 1949.
Winnick, L., "Housing: Has There Been a Downward Shift in Consumers1
Preferences?" Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX, Feb*, 1955*
Highway Programs and Transportation: Aids and Subsidies
Official Documents:


Clay, Lucius D., A Ten-Year National Highway Program. Report to the
President of the Advisory Committee on a National Highway
Program* Washington, Jan., 1955*

1. Bollinger, Lynn> and others, Terminal Airport Financing and Management. Boston, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1946.
2» Branham, A. K., Transportation Factors and National Transportation
Policy: A Partial Analysis * Lafayette, Purdue University, 1952.
3- Currie, A. W., Economics of Canadian Transportation. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1954.
4. Dearing, C. L., Railroads and Public Policy* Washington, Brookings, 1956.
and Owen, W., National Transportation Policy. Washington,
rBrookings, 1949.
6. Dewhurst, J. F., and Associates, Americafs Needs and Resources—A
Survey. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1955> chap. 97.
Transportation and the Growth of Ideas. Glencoe, Free
Press, 19538. Gomez, R. A., Intergovernmental Relations in Highways. Minneapolis,
University of Minnesota Press, 19509. Goodrick, M. G., The Federal Subsidy of Commercial Aviation. Evanston,
The Author, 1949.
10. Labatut, J*, and Lane, W. J. QEdsJ , Highways in Our National Life--A
Symposium. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1950.
11. Lindholm, R. W., Taxation of the Trucking Industry. Columbus, Ohio
State University, 1951.
Public Finance of Air Transportation. Columbus, Ohio State
University, 1949.
13* McDowell, C« E., and Gibbs, H. M*, Ocean Transportation. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1954.
14. Owen, Wilfred, Urban Transportation Problem. Washington, Brookings, 1956.
\. Dearing, C, L., and Owen, W., n0ur National Transportation Problem,"
Harvard Business Review, XXVIII, Feb., 1950.
2. Koontz, H. $«, "Domestic Airline Self-Sufficiency," American Economic
Review> XLII, Mar., 1952, pp- 103-25.
"Economic and Managerial Facts Underlying Subsidy Needs of
Domestic Trunk Line Carriers," Journal of Air Law & Commerce,
XVIII> Spring, 1951, pp. 127-56; comment by J. P. Carter,
American Economic Review, XLIII, June, 1953, pp. 369-77.
4. Owen, Wilfred, "Self-Liquidating Public Works to Combat Depression,"
Policies to Combat Depression [Conference SeriesJ. Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 1955*

e. Public Policy and Problems of Conservation and Regional or State
Resource Development
Official Documents:
1. Paley, W. S., Resources for Freedom. A Report to the President
by the Materials Policy Commission. Washingtin, June, 1952,
Vols. 1 and 52. U. S # National Resources Committee, Regional Factors in National
Planning. Washington, GPO, 1935*
National Resources Planning Board, Area Analysis--A Method
of "^Public Works Planning. Technical Paper 6. Washington, 1943.
Industrial Location and National Resources. Washington, 1943*
5* ZZZZZIZ^ Development of Resources and Stabilization of Employment in
the United States, Washington, 1941.
1. Bright, A. A., Jr., and Ellis, G. Ho
Eds. , The Economic State of
New England. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1954«
2. Ciriacy-Wantrup, S. V., Resource Conservation: Economics and Politics.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1954.
3. Clapp, Gordon E., The TVA^ An Approach to the Development of a Region.
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1955•
4. Cohn, Edwin J., Jr o , Industry in the Pacific Northwest and the Location
Theory. New York, Columbia University Press, 1954.
5. Friedmann, J. R. R O5 The Spatial Structure of Economic Development in
the Tennessee Valley. A Study in Regional Planning. Chicago,
University of Chicago Press, 1955.
6. Floyd, J. S., Jr., Effects of Taxation on Industrial Location. Chapel
Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1952.
7. Garnsey, M« E., America!s New Frontier; The Mountain West. New
York, Knopf, 1950.
8. Gulick, Lo H., American Forest Policy, A Study of Government Administration and Economic Control. New York, Due11, Sloan & Pearce, 19519. Hansen, Ao H., and Perloff, H. S., Regional Resource Development.
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10. Harris, S. E., The Economics of New England-A Case Study of an Older
Area. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1952.
11. Hoover, C. B., and Ratchford, B. U., Economic Resources and Policies
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Economy of the South. A Report of the Joint Committee
... on the Impact of Federal Policies on the Economy of the
South. Washington, GPO, 1949.
13. Hoover, EdgafM., The Location of Economic Activity. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 19451
14. Howard, J* K., Montana: High, Wide, and Handsome. New Haven, Yale
University Press, 1943.
15. Huffman, Roy E., Irrigation Development and Public Water Policy.
New York, Ronald Press, 1953.
16. Isard, W., and Whitney, V., Atomic Power—An Economic and Social Analysis.
Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1952.
17. Jensen, Merrill [Ed/], Regionalism in America. Madison, University of
Wisconsin Press, 1951.


Lepawsky. A., State Planning and Economic Development in the South,
Washington, .National Planning Association, 1949.
Lllienthal, D. E., TVA° Democracy on the March. New York, Harper,
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LBsch, August, The Economics of Location. Tr e by W. H. Woglom and
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McDougal, Myres, and others, The Case for Regional Planning with
Special Reference to New England. New Haven, Yale University
. Press, 1947.
McKinley, Charles, Uncle Sam in the Pacific Northwest--Federal Management of Natural Resources in the Columbia River Valley. Berkeley,
University of California Press, 1952.
McLaughlin, G. E., and Robock, S., Why Industry Moves South. Washington, National Planning Association, 1949.
Miller, L. A., and others, Organization and Policy in the Field of
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Odum, H. W., and Jocher, K. QEds.]] > In Search of the Regional Balance
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Owen, Wilfred, A Mid-Century Look at Resources. Washington, Brookings,
Ransmeier, J. S., The Tennessee Valley Authority: A Case Study in the
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University Press, 1942.
Resources for the Future,' The Nation Looks at Tts Resources. Washington, Dec. 2-4, 1953*
Scott, Aw D*, Natural Resources: The Economics of Conservation.
Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1954.
Simpson, P. B., Regional Aspects of Business Cycles and Special Studies
of the Pacific Northwest. Eugene, University of Oregon, 1953.
Smith, Lincoln, The Power Policy of Maine. Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1951.
Terral, Rufus, The Missouri Valley. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1947.
Wengert, G. C , Valley of Tomorrow. Knoxville, University of Tennessee,
Wilkes, G. C , Taxation of Forest Industries in Ontario. Toronto,
University of Toronto Press, 1954.

1. Bessey^ R, F., ''Resource Conservation and Development Problems and
Solutions in the Columbia Basin," Journal of Politics, Aug., 1951.
2. Burkhead, J., and Steele^ D. C , "The Effect of State Taxation on the
Migration of Industry," Journal of Business, XXIII, July, 1950.
3. Ciriacy-Wantrup, S. V., "Cost Allocation in Relation to Western Water
Policies," Journal of Farm Economics, Feb., 1954.
"Resource Conservation and Economic Stability," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LX, May, 1946, pp. 412-52.
5. Fisher, J. L., "Basic Elements of a Regional Resource Development
Program," paper given at meeting of Assn. of Regional Scientists,
Detroit, Dec. 28, 1954. To be included in forthcoming volume
ed. by W. Isard and others for the Assn.
6. Hare, F. K., "Regionalism and Administration: North American Experiments," Canadian Journal of Economics 8c Political Science, XIII,
Nov., 1947, PP. 563-71.









Hoover, E. M., and Fisher, J. L., "Research in Regional Economic
Growth," in Problems in the Study of Economic Growth0 New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, July, 1949°
Harvill, R. A., "The Economy of the South," Journal of Political
Economy, XXVIII, Feb., 1940.
Hill, F. G., "An Analysis of Regional Economic Development; The
Case of California," Land Economics, Feb., 1955.
Horner, ¥. ¥., "A Desirable National Water Policy," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLI, May, 195I.
Hulse, A. E., and De Turo, P. J., "Economic Problem of the Southeast,"
Harvard Business Review, LXII, Jan., 1949o
Hyson, C. D., and Neal, A. C., "New England's Economic Prospects,"
Harvard Business Review, LXI, Mar., 1948.
Krutilla, J. V., "Criteria for Evaluating Regional Development Programs," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLV, May, 195 5 >
pp. 120-32.
Logsdon, C. S., "Some Comments upon the Effectiveness of State and
Local Area Development Programs," Southern Economic Journal,
XV, Jan., 1949, PP. 303-10.
Miller, J. P., "The New England Economy: A Federal Problem?" Yale
Review, D e c , 1952.
North,D. C , "Location Theory and Regional Economic Growth," Journal
of Political Economy, LXIII, June, 1955.
Ostrom, Vincent, "State Administration of Natural Resources in the
West," American Political Science Review. XLVII, June, 1953,
PP. 478-93.
Patterson, Ro F., "Industrial Development in South Dakota, with
Special Reference to the Tax Climate for Business and Industry."
Vermillion, University of South Dakota, 1950. 24 pp.
Ratchford, B. U., "Government Action or Private Enterprise in River
Valley Development: An Economists View," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XLI, May, 1951, pp. 299-306.
Raver, P. J., "Government Action and Private Enterprise in Rivery
Valley Development: A Public Administrator's View," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLI, May, 1951, pp. 289-98.
Taylor, M. C , "Industrial Tax Exemption in Puerto Rico," National
Tax Journal, VII, D e c , 1954.
Van Sickle, J. V., "The Southeast: A Case Study in Delayed Industrialization," American Economic Review, Supplement9 XLI, May,
1951, PP. 384-93.
Wengert, E. S., "Natural Resources Research and Regional Analysis,11
paper given at meeting of Association of Regional Scientists,
Detroit, Dec. 27, 1954O To be included in forthcoming volume,
ed. by W. Isard.



1, Binns, K. J., Federal Financial Relations in Canada and Australia, Hobart,
Government Printer, 1948.
* 2. Birch, A. H., Federalism, Finance, and Social Legislation in Canada^ Australia , and the United States. London, Oxford University Press, 19553. Canada, Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations. Report. Ottawa,
4. Carlson, R. E., British Block Grants and Central-Local Finance., Baltimore,
Johns Hopkins Press, 1947.
5. Chester, D. N., Central and Local Government: Financial and Administrative
Relations. London, Macmillan, 1952.
6. Crouch, W. W., Metropolitan Los Angeles: A Study in Integration„ Vol. 14,
Finance and Taxation; Vol. 15, Intergovernmental Relations. Los
Angeles, 1954.
7. Drummond, J. M., The Finance of Local Government: England and Wales. London,
Allen & Unwin, 1952.
8. Greenwood, Gordon, The Future of Australian Federalism. Melbourne, University Press, 1947T
9. Groves, H. M., Financing Government. New York, Holt, 4th rev. ed., 1954.
* 10. Hansen, A. H., and Perloff, H. S., State and Local Finance in the National
Economy. New York, Norton, 1944, especially chap. 4O
11. Hellerstein, J. R., State and Local Taxation. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1952.
12. Hicks, J. R., and Hicks, U. K., The Incidence of Local Rates in Great Britain.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1945.
13. Kimmel, L. H., and others, Postwar Fiscal Requirements: Federal, State and
Localo Washington, Brookings, 1945.
14. Lutz, E. A., Some Problems and Alternatives in Developing Federal Block
Grants to States for Public Welfare Purposes. New York, Government
Affairs Foundation, 1954.
15. Mackintosh, W. A., Federalism: An Australian Jubilee Study, ed. by G.
Sawer. Melbourne, Cheshire, 1952, pp. 80-109.
16. Macmahon, A. W. £Ed.J, Federalism--Mature and Emergent. Columbia Bicentennial Conference „ Garden City, Doubleday, Doran, 1955*
*17. Maxwell, J. A., Federal Grants and the Business Cycle. New York, National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1952.
Recent Developments in Dominion-Provincial Fiscal Relations in
Canada"! New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1948.
The Fiscal Impact of Federalism in the United States. Cambridge,
Harvard University Press, 1946.
20. Moore, A. M., and Perry, J. H., Financing Canadian Federation. Toronto,
Canadian Tax Foundation, 1953.
* 21. Perry, J. Harvey, Taxes, Tariffs and Subsidies. Toronto, University of
Toronto Press, 1955.
22. Philip, Kjeld, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations. Copenhagen, Institute
of Economics and History, 1954.
23. Quinto, L. J., Municipal Income Taxation in the United States. Technical
Monograph 2. New York, Mayor's Committee on Management Survey, 1952.
24. Segrest, E. C , and Misner, A. J., The Impact of Federal Grants-in-Aid on
California. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1954.
25« Tax Institute, Federal-State-Local Tax Correlation. A Symposium.
Princeton, The Institute, 1954.
26. Williams, J. Kerwin, Grants-in-Aid under the Public Works Administration.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1939.

1. Angus, H. F., "An Echo of the Past," Canadian Tax Journal, I, Sept.-Oct., 19530
2. Bhargava, R. N., llThe Theory of Federal Finance," Economic Journal, LXIII,
Mar., 1953; comment by H. W. Singer, ibid., Septo, 1953.
3O Birch, A. H., "Federalism and Finance," The Manchester School, XVII, May,
1949, PP. 163-87.
4. Brazer, H. E., "State Aid to Cities in Michigan," National Tax Journal, VII,
Mar., 1954, pp. 63-8e
5. Buchanan, J. M., "Federal Grants and Resource Allocation," Journal of
Political Economy, LX, J-une, 1952o
^Federalism and Fiscal Equity," American Economic Review, LX, Sept.,
1950, pp. 583-99.
"The Pure Theory of Public Finance," Journal of Political Economy,
LVII, D e c , 1949, pp. 496-503; comment by H. P. Jenkins, ibid., LIX,
Aug., 1951. PP. 353-7o
* 8. Butlin, S. J., "The Problem of Federal Finance," Economic Record, XXX,
May, 1954, pp. 7-18.
* 9. Curtis, C, A v , "Municipal Finance and Provincial-Federal Relations," Canadian
Journal of Economics 8c Political Science, XVII, Aug., 1951, PP. 297-306.
* 10. Dehem, R., and Wolfe, J. N., "The Principles of Federal Finance and the
Canadian Case," Canadian Journal of Economics 8c Political Science, XXI,
Feb., 1955, pp. 64-72.
11. Ecker-Racz, L. L., "intergovernmental Tax Coordination: Record and Prospects,"
National Tax Journal, V, Sept., 1952, pp. 245-60.
12. Egger, Rowland, ^Nature over Art: No More Local Finance," American Political
Science Review, XLVII, June, 1953, pp. 461-77.
13. Fitch, L. C , "Trends of Federal, State, and Local Government Expenditures
since 1890," American Economic Reviev, Supplement, LXIII, May, 1953,
pp. 217-33.
14. Groves, H. M., "income vs. Property Taxation for State and Local Governments,"
Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics, Nov., 1946.
and Kahn, C. Harry, "The Stability of State and Local Tax Yields,"
American Economic Review, XLII, March, 1952, pp. 86-102.
16. Hamilton, H. D., "The Commission on Intergovernmental Relations and Grants in
Aid in the United States," Public Finance, IX, No. 2, 1954o
17. Harriss, C. L., "Current Problems of Local Government Finance in the U. S.,"
Revue de Science et de Legislation Financieres, No. 3, July-Sept., 1952.
18. Klarman, H. E., "Income Tax Deducibility," National Tax Journal, I, Sept.,
1948, pp. 241-9o
19. Lindholm, R. W., "State Fiscal Activity, 1945-49/ National Tax Journal, III,
Sept., 1950, pp. 242-7.
20. Manvel, A. D., "Regional Differences in the Scale of State and Local Government," National Tax Journal, VII, June, 1954, pp. 110-20o
* 21. Maxwell, Jo A., "The Equalizing Effects of Federal Grants," Journal of
Finance, IX, May, 1954, pp. 209-15; comment by J. M. Buchanan, and
reply, ibicL, X, Mar., 1955, PP. 70-2.
"Economic Effects of Federal Grants in Aid," American Economic
Reviev, Supplement, XLIV, May, 1954.
23. Mitchell, G. W., Litterer, 0. F., and Domar, E. D., "State and Local Finance,"
Postwar Economic Studies 3» Washington, B/G of Federal Reserve System, 1945,
24. Newcomer, M., "State and Local Finance in Relation to Economic Fluctuations/1
National Tax Journal, VII, June, 1954, pp. 97-109.

25. Perloff, Ho S,, ^Fiscal Policy at the State and Local Levels," in Post-war Economic Problems, ed. by S. E. Harris. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1943.
26. Reed, E. W., "Coordination of Federal and State Income Taxes," Southern
Economic Journal, XV, Apr*, 1949.
27. Scott, A. D., "Federal Grants and Resource Allocation," Journal of
Political Economy, IX, D e c , 1952, pp. 534-8o
"The Evaluation of Federal Grants," Economica, XIX, Nov.,
1952, pp. 377-92.
29. Studenski, Paul, and Baikio, E o J., "Federal Grants in Aid," National
Tax Journal, II, Septo, 1949, ppo 193-214.
30. Sundelson, J* ¥•, and Mushkin, S. J., "The Measurement of State and Local
Tax EffortoM Memo. No, 58. Washington, Social Security Board, June^ 1944.
31o Waines, ¥. J., "Dominion-Provincial Financial Arrangements,0 Canadian
Journal of Economics & Political Science, XIX, Augo, 1953, pp. 301-15.
32. White, M. I o , and White, A o , "impact of Economic Fluctuations on Municipal
Finance," National Tax Journal , VII, Mar., 1954, pp. 17-39.





Monetary-Fiscal vs. Other Measures for Stability and Expansion

1. Bratt, Eo C , Business Cycles and Forecasting, Homewood, Irwin, 4th
rev. ed., 1953.
2 0 Brecher, Irving, Monetary-Fiscal Thought, 1919-39* Toronto, University
of Toronto Press, Spring, 1956.
3. Chandler, L. V., and Wallace, D. H. £EdsQ, Economic Mobilization and
Stabilizationo New York, Holt, 1951.
4. Committee for Economic Development, Defense against Recession: Policy
for Greater Economic Stability. New York, Mar., 1954.
5. Director, Aaron pSd/) , Defense, Controls and Inflation. Chicago,
University of Chicago Press, 1953> PP- 117-56.
6. Egle, W. P., Economic Stabilization; Objectives, Rules, and Mechanisms.
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1952.
7. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, The Quest for Stability.
Philadelphia, 1954.
8. Friedman, Milton, Essays in Positive Economics. Chicago, University of
"Chicago Press, 1953, PP. 117-56.
9. Gordon, R. A., Business Fluctuations. New York, Harper, 1952, Pt. 3.
10. Hald, Earl C , Business Cycles, boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1954, Pt. 4.
11. Hart, A. &., Defense and the Dollar. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1953.
and Brown, E. C , Financing Defense: Federal Tax and Expenditure
Policy. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1951.
13. Homan, P., and Machlup, F. £Eds.J, Financing American Prosperity. New
York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1945.
14o Ilersic, A. R., Government Finance and Fiscal Policy in Post-War Britain.
London, Staples Press, 1955.
15• Lundberg, Erik, Business Cycles and Economic Policy. London, Allen 8c
Unwin, 1955.
LEd.T, The Business Cycle in the Post-War World. New York, St.
Martin's Press, 1955.
17. Millikan, M. F. £Ed.J, Income Stabilization for a Developing Democracy,
New Haven, Yalfc University Press, 1953. Pt. II.
18. Simons, H. C , Economic Policy for a Free Society. Chicago, University
of Chicago Press, 1948.
1. Bach, G. L., "Economic Requisites for Achieving Economic Stability,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950.
"2. ~T3oul&±ng/T£, H,, Slichteir/S.H., and Hansen, A. H., "The American
Economy in 1960/ Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXV, Nov.,

1953, PP. 257-68.
3. Butters, J. K., and others, "Tax Program for Sustained Mobilization,"
Harvard Btisiness Review, LXIV, 1951.
4. Ellis, H. S., and others, "A Symposium on the Economic Report of the
President and Related Documents," Review of Economics & Statistics,
XXXV, Aug., 1954, pp. 249-66.
5. Gurley, J. G., "Fiscal Policy in a Growing Economy," Journal of Political
Economy, LXI, D e c , 1953; comment by W. L. Smith, and reply, ibid.,
Oct., 1954.


12. u

Hart, A. G., Hildebrand, G. H., and Fellner, W., "The Automaticity
of Full Employment under the Assumption of Diminished Defense
Expenditures," American Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May,
1954, pp. 402-33Laursen, Svend, "Lundberg on Business Cycles and Public Policy,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX, May, 1955, PP. 221-34.
Lewis, J. P., "The Lull That Came to Stay," Journal of Political
Economy, LXIII, Feb o , 1955McCracken, P. W., "The Status of Monetary and Fiscal Policies,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950*
Musgrave, R. A., "Monetary and Fiscal Aspects of an Advanced Defense
Economy," American Economic Review, Supplement, XL, May, 1950•
"Fiscal Policy in Prosperity and Depression," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XXXVIII, May, 1948, pp. 383-94.
Slichter, S. H., "Thinking Ahead: Breakup of the Business Cycle,"
Harvard Business Review, XXXIII, Jan.-Feb., 1955.
Wald, H. P., "Fiscal Policy, Military Preparedness and Postwar Inflation," National Tax Journal, II, Mar0, 1949. Reprinted in Readings
in Fiscal Policy.

B. Wage-Price Policy
1. Clark, J. M., Guideposts in Time of Change. New York, Harper, 1949, chapo 5,
2, Creamer, D., and Bernstein, M o , Behavior of Wage Rates during Business
Cycles. New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1950,
* .3. Hawtrey,^* &•> Cross Purposes in Wage Policy. London, Longmans, 1955.
4. Levinson, H. M., Unionism, Wage Trends and Income Distribution, 1914-47.
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1951.
5. National Bureau of Economic Research, Business Concentration and Price
Policy. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1955.
6. Ross, A. M., Trade Union Wage Policy. Berkeley, University of California
Press, 19W.
* 7. Turvey, Ralph [Ed.] , Wages Policy under Full Employment. London, Hodge, 1952.
* 8. Wright, D. M. LEd/J , The Impact of the Union. A Symposium on Labor Issues.
New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1951.


1. Blair, J. M., "Economic Concentration and Depression Price Rigidity,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XLV, May, 1955, PPo 566-82.
2. Broehl, W. G., Jr., "Trade Unions and Full Employment," Southern Economic
Journal, XX, July, 1953, pp. 6l-73.
3. Brown, E. H. Phelps, and Roberts, B. C , "Wages Policy in Great Britain,"
Lloyds Bank Review, Jan., 1952.
4. Christenson, C. L., ""Variations in the Inflationary Force of Bargaining,"
American Economic Review, Supplemjent, XLIV, May, 1954, pp. 347-62.
5. Copland, D. B., "The Full Employment Economy with Special Reference to
Wages Policy," Oxford Economic Papers, V, Oct., 1953, pp. 221-34.
6. Dunlop, J. T., "Wage-Price Relations at High Level Employment," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XXXVII, May, 1947, pp. 243-53.
~ZH "Productivity and Wage Structure," in Income, Employment and
Public Policy. New York, Norton, 1948.


8. Fels, Rendigs, "The Effects of Price and Wage Flexibility on Cyclical
Contractions,11 Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIV, Novo, 1950,
pp. 596-610.
9. Hicks, J. R., "The Economic Foundation of Wage Policy," paper given
at meeting of the British Association, Sept., 195510. Higgins, B. H., "The Optimum Wage Rate," Review of Economics &
Statistics, XXXI, May, 19490
1HL "Reder on Wage-Price Policy," Canadian Journal of Economics &
Political Science, XV, May, 1949.
* 12. Mason, E. S., "Prices, Costs, and Profits," in Money, Trade, and Economic
Growth. New York, Macmillan, 195113. Matthews, R. C. 0., "The Effect of Wage Cuts on Employment," Economic
Journal, XLI, Sept., 1951, pp. 5O5~1714. Mayer, T., "The Effect of a Wage Change upon Prices, Profits, and Employment," Economic Journal, LXI, Sept., 1951*
15. Moore, J. P., and Levy, L. V., "Price Flexibility and Industrial Concentration," Southern Economic Journal, XXI, Apr., 1955> PP* 435-40.
* 16. Morton, W. A*, "Trade Unionism, Full Employment, and Inflation,"
American Economic Review, XL, March, 1950, pp. 13-39*
17. Peacock, A. T., and Ryan, W. J. L., "Wage Claims and the Pace of Inflation,
1948-51," Economic Journal, LXIII, June, 195318. Phelps, 0. W., "Collective Bargaining, Keynesian Model," American Economic
Review, XXXVIII, Sept., 1948, pp. 581-9719. Poole, K. E., "Full Employment, Wage Flexibility, and Inflation," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLV, May, 1955> PP- 583-97•
* 20. Reder, M. W., "The Theoretical Problems of a National Wage-Price Policy,"
Canadian Journal of Economics & Political Science, XIV, Feb.,19487
21. Rees, Albert, "Wage Levels under Conditions of Long-Run Full Employment,"
American Economic Review, XLIII, May, 1953> PP- 451-722. Richardson, J. H., and Singer, R* W., "Wage Policy in Full Employment,"
Economic Journal, LVII, D e c , 1947; LVIII, Sept., 1948.
23- Siegelman, Louis, "Inflation Control through a National Wage Policy,"
Journal of Finance, VII, Mar., 1952, pp- 66-76.
24. Simler, N. J., "Rigid Prices, the Inflationary Bias, and the Goal of
Economic Policy," Review of Social Economy, Sept., 1954.
* 25. Slichter, S. H., "Do the Wage Fixing Arrangements in the American Labor
Market Have an Inflationary Bias?" American Economic Review, Supplement , ZLIV, May, 1954, pp. 322-46.
26* Sultan, P. E., "Unionism and Wage-Income Ratios, 1929-51," Review of
Economics & Statistics, XXXVI, Feb*, 1954.
27* Tobin, James, "Money Wage Rates and Employment," in The New Economics,
ed. by S. E. Harris* New York, Knopf, 1947C.

Monetary Policy and Debt Management in the United States
Official Document:

1. U. S. Joint Committee on the Economic Report Flanders Subcommittee on
Economic Stabilization, U. S. Monetary Policy; Recent Thinking
and Experience. 83 Congress, 2 Session, Dec. 6-7, 1954. Washington,


Books °Q
1. Abbott, C. C , Federal Debt, Structure and Impact. New York, Twen=
tieth Century Fund, 19532. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, "Federal Reserve
Policy*" Postwar Economic Studies 8. Washington, Nov., 1947*
3. Committee for Economic Development. Managing the Federal Debt. New
York, 1954.
4. Fforde, J. S., The Federal Reserve System, 1945-49. Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 1954.
* 5* Goldenweiser, E. A., American Monetary Policy. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1951* 6. Money, Trade, and Economic Growth. In Honor of J. H. Williams. New York,
Macmillan, 1951* chaps, by R. V. Roosa and A. Sproul.
* 7. Murphy, H. C , The National Debt in War and Transition. New York,
Prentice-Hall, 1950.
8. Nadler, Marcus, Heller, Sipa, and Shipman, S. S., The Money Market
and Its Institutions. New York, Ronald Press, 19559- Ritter, L. S. Ed. , Money and Economic Activity: A Selection of Readings in the Field of Money and Banking •_ Boston, Houghton, Mifflin,
1952, Pt. 3.
10* Smithies, A., and Butters, J. R., Readings in Fiscal Policy. Homewood, Irwin, 1955«
1. Alhadeff, D. A., "Monetary Policy and the Treasury Bill Market,"
American Economic ReviewT XLII, June, 1952, pp. 326-46*
2, Brockie, M. D., "Debt Management and Economic Stabilization,;" Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXVIII, Nov., 1954, pp. 613-28.
* 3- Carson, Deane, "Recent Open Market Committee Policy and Technique,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX, Aug., 1955, pp. 321-42.
4. Donovan, C. H., "Debt Management and Federal Reserve Credit Policy
since 1945>" Southern Economic Journal, XX, Jan., 1954, pp. 231-42.
$. Fforde, J. S., MThe Monetary Controversy in the U.S.A., " Oxford
Economic Papers, III, Oct., 1951, pp. 221-39.
6. Freedman, Robert, Jr., "Federal Credit Agencies and the Structure of Money
Markets, Interest Rates and the Availability of Capital," Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LXIX, Aug., 1955, pp. 421-44.
* 7- Hansen, A. H., "Monetary Policy," Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXVII,
May, 1955, PP- H 0 - 9 ; comment by S. Weintralib, ibid., Aug., 1955, pp. 292-6.
* 8. Kock, A. R., and others, "Money Market Developments and Prospects since the
'Accord,1" Journal of Finance, X, May, 1955, pp. 286-314.
9. McCracken, P. W., "The Public Debt: Hindrance or Advantage to Credit
Control?" Journal of Finance, VIII, May, 1953.
10. Musgrave, R. A*, "Monetary-Debt Policy Revisited," in Public Policy, ed.
by C. J. Friedrich and J. K. Galbraith. Cambridge, Harvard Graduate
School of Public Administration, 1954, pp. 155-76.
11. Ratchford, B. U., "Some Aspects of Debt Management in the United States,11
Public Finance, X, No. 2, 1955, pp. 133-4912. Reierson, R. L., "The Recent Tightening of Credit." New York, Bankers
Trust Company, 1955* 14 pp*
13• Review of Economics & Statistics;
eu "The Controversy over Monetary Policy," XXXIII, Aug., 1951, pp. 179-200.
b. "How to Manage the National Debt," XXXI, Feb., 1949, pp.'15-32.
14. Riefler, W. W., "Monetary Policy," Journal of Business, XXVII, July, 1954,
pp. 235-42.
15. Robinson, M. A., "Federal Credit and Creditors--Who Holds the National Debt?"
Hanover, Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, 1954.
16. Scott, I. 0*, "The New Monetary Policy," in Public Policy. Cambridge,
Harvard University Press, 1954*


Seltzer, L. H., "The Changed Environment of Monetary-Banking Policyr"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XXXVII, Mar., 1947> PP- 65-89*
18. Shaw, E. S-, "Monetary Policy and the Structure of the De"bt," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLIV, May, 1954, pp. 471-6.
19". Simmons, E / C , "Sales of Government Securities to Federal Reserve Banks
under Repurchase Agreements," Journal of Finance, IX, Mar., 1954,
pp. 23-40.
20- Snaveley, W. P., "The Asset Reserve Plan: An Appraisal," Southern
Economic Journal, XXI, Apr., 1955, pp. 425-34.
21. gp-rnnT^ /p1*m ^ tfFi np.n^ia.1 an^Monetary; Policies," in Proceedings of the
Annual Pacific Northwest Conference on Banking, Apr. f-ii, 1955Pullman, State College of Washington, 1955 > PP* 3-1522. Walker, C. E., "Federal Reserve Policy and the Structure of Interest
Rates on Government Securities," Quarterly Journal of Economics,
LXVIII, Feb., 1954, pp. 19-42.
23• Wallich, H. C , "De"bt Management as an Instrument of Economic Policy,"
American Economic Review, XXXVI, June, 1946, pp. 292-310.
24. Wood, Elmer, "Recent Monetary Policies," Journal of Finance, X,
Sept., 1955, PP- 315-25.
25. Youngdahl, Richard, "Monetary Policy in Recent Years," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XLV, May, 1955> PP* 402-08.



Fiscal Program of the Republican Administration
Official Documents:

L. Economic Report of the President. Washington, January, 1956.
2. U* S» Bureau of the Budgetf Review of the 1956 Budget. Washington,
Aug. 25, 1955.




Committee f&r Economic Development, Federal Tax Issues in 1955*
New York, May, 1955Heller, W. W., "Appraisal of the Administration's Tax Policy," National
Tax Journal, VIII, Mar., 1955, pp. 12-28.
Hellmuth,W], F., Jr., "The Federal Budget for 1956," Federal Reserve
Bulletin, Feb., 1955.
Hughes, Rowland, "Some Aspects of the Federal Budget," Proceedings of
46th Annual Conference. Sacramento, National Tax Association,
1954, pp. 334-45.
Pechman, J. A., "Individual Tax Provisions of the 1954 Code," National
Tax Journal, VIII, Mar., 1955, pp. 114-35*
Riehm, J, W., federal Taxation: Perspective during the Fifth Decade,"
Michigan Law Review, May, 1954.
Smith, Dan T., "Two Years of Republican Tax Policy: An Economic Appraisal,"
National Tax Journal, VIII, Mar., 1955> PP- 2-11*
"The Internal Revenue Code of 1954," Proceedings of the 47th
Annual Conference. Sacramento, National Tax Association 1955, pp- 208-16.
Smithies, A., "The Twin Objectives of Tax Reduction and Reduction of Budget
Deficit," National Tax Journal, VIII, Mar., 1955, pp. 29-35.

Economics 248b
Spring Term -- 1950


A. Keynesian Economics
B. Postwar Full Employment Theory

' IY.






A. Federal Budgetary Problems and Policies
B. Taxation, Consumption, and Investment
A, Public Works
B. Developmental Program--Contra-cyclical and Longer Range
1. Developmental Expenditures; Regional Planning
2. Housing and Urban Redevelopment
3. Social Security and Other Welfare Outlays
A. Monetary^ Credit, and Fiscal Policies
B. Monetary Policy and Public Debt Management
A. Keynes9 Short-Run Wage Theory
B. Wage-Cost Adjustments^ Price Policies^ and the Theory
of Employment
A. Problems of Economic Growth and Maturity
B. Theories of Economic Development
A. International Debate on Economic Planning and Controls
B. Postwar Economic Policies -- Foreign Experiences
1. The British Case
2. Reconstruction Policies in Other Countries

Economics 248b
Spring Term -- 1950


Ellis, H. So (ed,); A Survey of Contemporary Economics, Philadelphia,
Blakiston, 1946, Chaps. 2 and 9.
Haberler, G.: Prosperity tod Depression. Geneva, United Nations, rev.
ed., 1946, Chaps. 8 and 13.
Homan, P, T. and F. Machlup (eds.): Financing American Prosperity.
New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1945.
Williams, J. R*t Post-War Monetary Plans and Other Essays. Oxford,
Blackwell, 4th rev. ed., 1949, Chaps. 12-15 /New York, Knopf,
3rd ed., 1947, Chaps. 9-11/.



Keynesian Economics
ican Economic Association: Readings in Business Cycle Theory.
Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1944.
A0henheim, Asher: Introduction to Business Cycles. New York,
Crowell, 1950.
Bratt, E. C.e. Business Cycles and Forecasting. Chicago, Irwin, 3rd
ed., 194a, Chaps. 8-9.
Fellner, William: Monetary Policies and Full Employment. Berkeley,
University of California Press, 1946.
Hansen, A. H,s Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1949.
Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles > New York, Norton,
Harris, S. E. (ed.): The New Economics. New York, Knopf, 1947.
Harrod, R. F,: The Trade Cycle. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2nd ed.,
Hayes, H. Gordons Spending, Saving, and Employment. New York, Knopf,
Keynes, J. M.: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,
New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1936.
Klein, L. R.s Economic Fluctuations in the United States, 1921-41.
New York, Wiley, 1950.
The Keynesian Revolution. New York, Macmillan, 1947.
Marget, Ao: The Theory of Prices. New York, Prentice-Hall, Vol. 1,
1938, Vol. 2, 1942.
Morgan, E. V.s The Conquest of Unemployment. London, Sampson-Low,
Morgan, Theodores Income and Employment. New York, Prentice-Hall,
1947Ohlin, Bertils The Problem of Employment Stabilization. New York,
Columbia University Press, 1949.

Pierson, J. H. G*°* Full Employment and Free Enterprise. Washington,
B.C., Public Affairs Press, 1947Pigou, A* Co: Lapses from Full Employment, London, Macmillan, 1945Robertson, D. H.: Essays in Monetary Theory. London, Staples Press,
2nd ed., 1946.
— — —
Robinson, Joan°o Essays in the Theory of Employment. New York,
Macmillan, 2nd ed., 194b.
Simons, H. C.s Economic Policy for a Free Society, Chicago,
University of Chicago Press, 1948.
Villard, H. He: Deficit Spending and the National Income. New York,
Farrar and Rinehart, 1941.
Wilson, Thomas0. Fluctuations in Income and Employment, New York,
Pitman, 3rd edtt, 1948.
Wright, D. M.: The Creation of Purchasing Power. Cambridge, Harvard
University Press, 1942.
Burns, A. F.; "Economic research and the Keynesian thinking of our
times," /26th Annual Report/. New York, National Bureau
of Economic Research, 1947.
"Keynesian economics once again," Review of Economic
Statistics, XXIX, Nov0 1947, pp. 252-65.
Colm, Gerhard: "Fiscal policy," Chap. 14 in Economic Reconstruction
(ed. by S. E. Harris). New York, McGraw-Hill, 1945.
Ellis, H. S.s "The state of the !new economics,1" American Economic
Review, XXXIX, Mar. 1949, pp. 252-65.
Fellner, W ~
"Hansen on full employment policies," Journal of Political
Economy, LX, June 1947.
Fels, Rendigs: !tWarburton vs* Hansen and Keynes," American Econpmic
Review, XXXIX, Sept. 1949.
Haavelmo, T.s "Multiplier effects of a balanced budget," Econometrica,
XIII, Oct. 1945, pp. 311-18i comments by 6. Haberler and
others, ibid., XIV, Apro 1946, pp. 148-58j and a further
comment by F. Gehrels, American Economic Review, XXXIX,
Dec, 1949, PP. 1276-78.
Hahn, L. A.: "Compensating reactions to compensatory spending,"
American Economic Review, XXXV, Mar. 1945, pp. 28-39.
Hardy, C. (571 "Fiscal policy and national income: review," American
Economic Review, XXXII, Mar. 1942.
Hicks, J. RT1 "Mr. Keynes and the sclassics ?oo a suggested interpretation," Econometrica, V, 1937- Reprinted in Readings in the
Theory of Income Distribution. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1946.
Klein, Lo RII "Theories of effective demand and employment," Journal
of Political Economy, LV, Apr 1947, pp. 108-31.
Kuznets, Si "Hansenf s ^Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles,'1 Review
of Economic Statistics, XXIV, Feb. 1942, pp. 31-6e
Leontief, ¥. W. j "Outp t, employment, consumption and investment,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LVIII, Feb. 194' •
Modigliani, F.; "Liquidity preference and the theory of interest
and money," Econometrica, XII, Jan. 1944, pp. 45-88.
Neisser, K.t "The new economics of spending: a theoretical analysis,"
Econometrica, XII, July-Oct. 1944.
Reder, M. W.s "Interest and employment," Journal of Political Economy,
LIX, June 1946.

Robinson, Austin: "John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946/' Economic Journa1,
XVII, Mar. 1947, pp. 1-68.
Rueff, J.s "The fallacies of Lord Keynes1 General Theory/' Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LXI, May 1947 j pp. 353-67; comment by
J. Tobin and Ruefffs reply, ibid., LXII, Nov. 1948, pp. 763-82,
Somers, H. M.: "The impact of fiscal policy on national income,"
Canadian Journal of Economics 8c Political Science, VIII,
August 1942, pp. 364-85.
Tobin, J.: "Liquidity preference and monetary policy," Review of
Economic Statistics, XXXIX, May 1947, pp. 124-31.
Vickrey, W.: "Limitations of Keynesian economics," Social Research,
IV, Dec. 1948.
Warburton, Clark: "Hansen and Fellner on full employment policies,"
American Economic Review, XXXVIII, Mar. 1948, pp. 128-34.
"Monetary theory of deficit spending," Review of
Economic Statistics, XXVII, May 1945, pp. 74-84; comment by
H. W. Arndt, and Warburtonfs reply, ibid., XXVIII, May 1946,
pp. 90-3.
Williams, B. R.: "Types of competition and the theory of employment,"
Oxford Economic Papers, I, Jan. 1949*
Williams, J. H.: "An appraisal of Keynesian economics," American
Economic Review, Supplement, XXXVIII, May 1948, pp. 273-90;
reprinted in Post-War Monetary Plans, Chap. 1 (Blackwell ed.).
Wright, D. M.: "The future of Keynesian economics," American Economic
Review, XXXV, June 1945, pp. 284-307.

Postwar Full Employment Theory
Beveridge, Lord: Full Employment in a Free Society. New York, Norton,
1944; Kaldor's Appendix, pp. 340-401.
Coombs, H. C : Problems of a High Employment Economy. Adelaide,
Hassell Press, 1944.
Copland, D. B.: The Road to High Employment. Cambridge, Harvard
University Press, 1945.
De Chazeau, M. and others: Jobs and Markets. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1946,
Diblin, L. F.: The Problem of Maintaining Full Employment. Melbourne,
Melbourne University Press, 1943Hansen, A. H.: Economic Policy and Full Employment. New York, McGrawHill, 1947.
Lerner, A. P.: The Economics of Control. New York, Macmillan, 1944.
and F. D. Graham (eds.): Planning and Paying for Full
Employment. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1946.
Oxford Institute of Statistics: The Economics of Full Employment.
Oxford, Blackwell, 1944.
Somers, H. M.: Public Finance and National Income. Philadelphia,
Blakiston, 1949.
Anderson, R. V.: "Full Employment in a Free Society" (a review),
Canadian Journal of Economics & Political Science, XII,
May 1946, pp. 192-203.
~ ~
Bauer, P. T.: "Lord Beveridge on full employment," Kyklos, I,
Fasc. 2, 1947.

Bea,ttie> J. R.s "Some aspects of the problem of full employment"
Canadian Journal of Economics & Political Science, X, Aug. 1944,
pp. 325-42.
Chamberlain, No W.s "Professor Hansen's fiscal policy and the debt,"
American Economic Review, XXXV, June 1945.
Copeland, M. A.2 "How to achieve full and stable employment," American
Economic Review Supplement, XXXIV, Mar. 1944, pp. 134-50.
Dobretsberger, J.: "A critical review of discussions of full employment,"
Kyklos, I, No, 1, 1947, PP. 19-25.
Garland, J. M.s "Some aspects of full employment," Economic Record,
Dec 1944.
Grayson, Henrys "The econometric approach: a critical analysis," Journal
of Political Economy, LVI, June 1948, pp. 253-7Hansen, A. H.: "Three methods of expansion through fiscal policy,"
American Economic Review, XXXV, June 1945; pp. 382-7; comment
by J, M. Clark, ibid., Dec. 1945, pp. 926-8.
. "The postwar economy," Chap. 1 in Postwar Economic
Problems. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1943, pp. 1-26.
"After the war—full employment" (rev.). Washington, P.C.,
National Resources Planning Board, Feb. 1943.
Hart, A. G.: "Model building and fiscal policy," American Economic Review,
XXXV, Sept. 1945, pp. 519-30.
Hayes, H. Gordon: "Keynesism and public policies," in 20th Century Economic
Thought (ed. by Glenn E. Hoover) - New York, Philosophical
Library, 1949.
Kalecki, M,: "The maintenance of full employment after the transition
period: a comparison of the problem in the U.S* and the U.K.,"
International Labour Review, LII, Nov. 1945 > pp. 449-64.
Meyers, A. L.: "Some implications of full employment policy," Journal of
Political Economy, LIV, June 1946, pp. 258-65.
Mosak, J. L.: "National budgets and national policy," American Economic
Review, XXXVI, Mar. 1946, pp. 20-43j comment by A. G. Hart
and Mosak8s rejoinder, ibid., Sept. 1946, pp. 632-41.
Musgrave, R. A.: "Fiscal policy, stability and full employment," in
Postwar Economic Studies, No. 3, Washington, D.C., Federal Reserve
Board, Dec. 1945, pp. 1-21.
"Alternative budget policies for full employment,"
American Economic Review, XXXV, June 1945, pp. 387-400.
Oliver, H. W.s "The analytical value of employment equilibrium models,"
Southern Economic Journal, XVI, Oct. 1949.
Pigou, A. C«; "Employment policy and Sir William Beveridge," Agenda,
Aug. 1944, pp. 18-29*
Robinson, E. A. G.: "Sir William Beveridge on fFull Employment,1" Economic
Journal, LV, Apr, 1945, pp. 7O-6.
Smithies, "E7i ^ull employment in a free society," American Economic Review,
XXXV, June 1945, pp. 355-67.
Stone, J. R. N* and E. F, Jacksons "Economic models with special reference
to Mr. Kaldorss system," Economic Journal, LVI, Dec. 1946.
Woytinsky, W. S.t "The maintenance of full employment after the transition
period: notes on Mr, Kalecki8s models," American Economic Review,
XXXVI, Sept. 1946, pp. 641-5J comment by M. Kalecki, ibid.,
XXXVII, June 1947, pp. 391-6.
Wright, D. M.s "The economics of Sir William Beveridge," Virginia Quarterly
Review, ~ Summer 1945.


A. Consumer Spending-Saving and Changes in Income
Barna, T.s The Redistribution of Income Through Public Finance in 1937*
London, Oxford University Press/ 1945'
Bawley, A, L. and R. G. D. Aliens Family Expenditure. London, King, 1935•
Brookings Institution: The Distribution of Income in Relation to Economic
Progress /4 vols^/. Washington, D. C o , Brooking^, 1936 •
Duesenberry, Je S«i Income, Saving and the Theory of Cons-umer Behavior,.
Cambridge, Harvard^University Press, 1949*
Federal Reserve Bulletins /Annual./ "Survey of Consumer Finances/*
Vols, 32-5Haterler, G.s Consumer Instalment Credit and Economic Fluctuations,
New York, Hational Bureau of Economic Research, 1942.
Lewis, H« and P* H. Douglas: Studies in Consumer Expenditures, 1901,
1918-19, 1922-24. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 194J.
Lo-ugh, W. H.s Bigh-Level Consumption. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1935Mack, R. Pe°o The Flow of Businesi^Funds and Consumer Purchasing Power,,
New York, Columbia University Press, 1941.
Madge, Co: t!War-Iime Pattern of Spending and Saving." (Occasional Paper
No. IV). London, Cambridge University Press, 1943.
Mender&hausen, H.s Changes in Income DlstriTjution During the Great
Depression, New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946.
Moulton, He G.o Controlling Factors in Economic Development, Washington,
D.C., 1949, Chap. 4"and Appendix! ~ ~ ~ ~
National Resoiirces Committee: Consumer Expenditures in the United States,
1935-36. Washington, D.C., 1936*
Consumer Incomes in the United States:
Their Distribution_j.nT93^-36a Washington, D.C., 1939»
Nugent, Rolfs Consumer Credit and Economic Stability. New York, Russell
Sage Foundation, 1939•
Seers, Dudleys Changes in the Cost of Living and the Distribution of
Income'?;Since^l93B7°M^xford, Blackwell, 1949.
Stone, Richard: The Analysis of Market Demand. London, National Institute
of Economic and Social Research, 1945.
TNEC, Monograph No* 4: Concentration and Composition of Individual Incomes,
1918-37 ~ ~ ~
United States, Depts of Agricultures Consumer Purchases Studies on Family
Incomes and Expenditures, 1939^40« Washington, D > C M 1941.
National Survey of Liquid Asset
Holdings, Spending and Savingo Washington^ D.C^ 1946.
. Waite, W« and R 9 Cassady, Jr«s Tlie_Consumer and the Economic Order.
New York, McGraw-Hill, 19490
Anderson, M»s !!A formula for total savings^" Quarterly Journal of Economics,
LVII, Nov. 1943, pp o 106-19.
Bangs, R e B.s flChanging relation of consumer income and expenditures,"
Survey of Current Bixslneg^, Apr. 1942.
Bassie, V."L.: ^ConsiBiers! e^qpenditures in war and transition," Reviev
of Economic Statistics, XXVTIX, Aug. 1946, pp..117-30.

I. Friend: "Consumption-saving function again,"
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXK, Nov. 1948, pp. 298-303.
Bean, L. H. and otherss "Five views on the consumption function,"
Review of Economic Statistics, XXVIII, Nov. 1946, pp. 197-224.
Bennion, E 7 7 "The multiplier, the acceleration principle and fluctuating
autonomous investment," Iteview of Economic Statistics, XXVII,
May 1945, pp. 85-92.
Benoit-Smullyan, E. B.: "Net investment, consumption, and full employment,"
reply "by A. Sweezy, American Economic Review, XXXIV, Dec. 1944.
Booker, E. S.: "The distribution of income under full employment,"
The Manchester School, "XV, Jan* 1947*
Boulding, Ko E.: "The consumption concept in economic theory,11 American
Economic Review, Supplement, XXXV, May 1945, pp. 1-14.
Bowman, M* J.: "Theories of income distribution: where do we stand?
Journal of Political Economy, LVI, Dec. 1942, pp. 533-38.
Brady, D. and F. M. Williams: "Advances in the techniques of measuring
consumer expenditures," Journal of Farm Economics, XXVII, May 1945•
Bronfenbrenner, M.s "The consumption function controversy,11 Southern
Economic Journal, XIV, Jan. 1948, pp. 304-20.
' "Some fundamentals in liquidity theory,M Quarterly
Journal of Economics, LIX, May 1945 *
Burns, A. F71 "The Brookings inquiry into income distribution and progress,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LIX, May 1945*
Cavin, J. ¥71 "Aspects of wartime consumption," American Economic Review,
XXXV, May 1945, pp. 15-36.
Clark, Colin: "Post-war savings in the U.S.A.," Bulletin, Oxford Institute
of Statistics, VII, Woso 6-7, May 19, 1945.
Cockfield, F. A.; "The distribution of incomes," Economica, XIV, Oct. 1947.
Freeman, A,, C. and L. Banes "Saving and spending patterns," American Economic
Review, XXXIV, June 1944.
Friend, Irwins "Personal saving in the postwar period," Survey of Current
Business, Septa 1949.
Fulcher, G. S.i !TAnnual saving and underspending of individuals, 1926-37/"
Review of Economic Statistics, XXIII, Feb. 1941.
Garvy, Georges "The role of dissaving in economic analysis," Journal of
Political Economy, LVI, Oct. 1948, pp. 416-27.
Gil"boy, E.~W7: w Inc ome - expenditure relations," Review of Economic Statistics,
XXII, Aug. 1940, pp. 115-21.
Haavelmo, T.s "Family expenditures and the marginal propensity to consume,"
"Econometricaj XV, Oct. 1947, pp. 335-41.
Haring, A. and others: "Durable cons-umers f goods," American Economic Review,
Supplement, XXVIlI, 1938, pp. 149-54.
Harrod, Re F»t "The fall in consimption," Bulletin, Oxford Institute of
Statistics, X, No. 5, May 1948j comments by G. D, N« Worswick and
others and Harrod*s reply, i M d 6 , No. 9, Sept* 1948.
Hart, A. G*: "Assets, liquidity and investment," American Economic Review,
Supplement, XXXIX, May 1949, pp. 171-81.
"Postwar effects to "be expected from wartime liquid accrarulations," American Economic Review, Supplement, XXXV, May 1945.
Hoover, C 9 B, and others: fiDura"ble consumers * goods,lf American Economic
Review, Supplement, XXVIII, 1938.
Hyson, C. 57: ^Savings in relation to potential markets," American Economic
Review, XXXVI, Dec, 1946.
Kalecki, M 7 7 ""A theory of the long-run distribution of the product of
industry," Oxford Economic Papers, No. 5, June 1941, pp. 31-41.

The distribution of national income/1 in Essays in the
Theory of Economic Fluctuations. London, Allen & Unwin, 1939*
Katona, George: "Effect of income changes on the rate of saving/1
Review of Economics & Statistics, XXXI, May 1949, pp. 95-103o
"Prospects for spending and saving by consumers/1
Washington, U.S* Bept. of Agriculture, Sept, 15, 1945.
Klein, L. R<z "A post-mortem on transition predictions of national
product," Journal of Political Economy, LIV, Aug. 1946,
pp 0 289-30F:
Kyrk, H.s "Income distribution as a measure of economic welfare,"
American Economic Review, Supplement, XL, 195°*
Livingston, M. and others: "Forecasting postwar demand," Econometrica,
III, Jan. 1945.
Lubbell, H*: "The effects of redistribution of income on consumers1 expenditures," American Economic Review, XXXVII, Mar. 1947;
pp. 157-70; and a correction, ibid., Dec. 1947.
Mack, Re P«: "The direction of change in income and the consumption
f-unction," Review of Economics & Statistics, XXX, Nov» 1948.
McKean, R. N.: "Liquidity and the national balance sheet," Journal of
Political Economy,, LVII, Dec. 1949, PP° 506-22.
Metzler, L. A. : "Three lags in the circular flow of income," in Income,
Employment and Public Policy. New York, Norton, 1948.
"Effects of income distribution," Review of Economic
Statistics, XXV, Feb. 1943Modigliani, F.1 "Fluctuations in the saving-income ratios a problem in
- economic forecasting," Studies in Income and Wealth, XJ. New
York, 1949.
Neisser, Hans: ^Government net contribution and foreign balance as offsets to savings," Review of Economic Statistics, XXVI, Nov. 1944.
Pierson, J« H. G.: "The underwriting approach to full employment, a further
explanation," Review of Economics 8c Statistics, XXXI, Aug. 1949,
pp. 182-92^
"The underwriting of aggregate consumjer spending as
a pillar of full employment policy," American Economic Review,
XXXIV, Mar. 1944, pp. 21-55. Reprinted in his book, Full""""
Employment and Free Enterprise „ Washington, D.C., Public Jiff airs
Press, 1947,
Polak, J. J.: "Fluctuations in United States consumption, 1919-32," Review
of Economic Statistics, XXI, 1939, pp* 1-12.
Prest, A. 17! "Some experiments in demand analysis," Review of Economics &
Statistics, XXXI, Feb. 1949, pp. 33-49.
Rhodes, E. C : "The distribution of earned and investment incomes in the
U»K./ ! Economica, XVI, Feb. 1949, pp. 53-65.
"The distribution of incomes in the U.S.," Econopiica^ X,
Aug. 1943> comment by Go Garvy, ibid., XI, 1944, pp« 104-5.
"The distribution of incomes," Economica, IX, Aug. 1942,
Rosa, R. YBt "Use of the consumption function in short-run forecasting,"
Review of^Economics & Statistics, XXX, May 1948, pp* 91-105.
Shapiro, S«: "Consumer income and saving, 1945-49," Monthly Labor Review,
LXIX, Dec. 1949, pp. 619-28.
— —
Shaw, E. S o : "Consumer expenditures, 1929-43," Survey of Current Business,
June 1944,
Smelker, M. W.s "Shifts in the concentration of income," Review of Economics
& Statistics, XXX, Aug, 1948, pp. 215-22.
Staehle, Hans: "Short period variations in the distribution of income,"
Review of Economic Statistics, XIX, 1937, pp. 133-43*


Stauffacher, C»: !!Tlie effects of government expenditures and tax withdrawals upon income distribution, 1930-39/' in Public Policy,
II. Cambridge, Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration,
Tucker, R. S e : rfThe National Resources Committee's report on the distribution of income," Review of Economic Statistics, XXII,
Nov. 1940.
Williams, R, S,°. "Fiscal policy and propensity to consume./1 Economic
Journal, LV, June 1945, comment by H* Norris, ibid., LVI,
June 1946, ppa 316-8.
Winston, C. and M, A. .Smiths "Income sensitivity of consumption expenditures/1 Survey of Current Business^ Jan. 1950, pp. 17-20.
Woytinsky, Wo S.: "What -was wrong in forecasts of postwar depression?"
Journal of Political Economy, LV, Apr. 1947, pp. 142-51.
and N. Koffsky: ""Two more contributions on the consumption function/1 Review of Economics & Statistics, XXX,
Feb. 1948, pp. 284-307.

Business Savings, Investment, and Fluctuations in Income
Abramowitz, M.: The Role of Inventories in Business Cycles. New York,
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1942.
Angell, J. Wot Investment and Business Cycles. New York, McGraw-Hill,
Clark, Colin;; The Conditions of Economic Progress. London, Macmillan,
1940 /Rev. ed« to be published probably in 195£7*
Dirks, F. C. and E o J* Hopkins: "Private capital requirements," in
Postwar Economic Studies, No. 5j Washington, D.C., Federal
Reserve Board, Sept, 1946•
Fuller, Do R«« Government Financing of Private Enterprise. Stanford,
Stanford University Press, 1949"
Haberler, G., S 9 Kuznets (inter alia): Capital Formation and Its Elementsr
New York, National Industrial Conference Board, 1939*
Koch, A, E.: The Financing of Large Corporations, 1920-39* New York,
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League of Nations: Economic Stability in the Post-War World. Geneva, 1945Long, C. D.: Building Cycles and the Theory of Investment. Princeton,
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Mo-ulton, H* G.: The Formation of Capital. Washington, D.C., Brookings, 1935,

Pennsylvania, University of - Bicentennial Conference: Studies in
Economics and Industrial Relations* Philadelphia^ University
of Pennsylvania Press, 1941.
Radice, E, k*\ Savings in Great Britain> London, Oxford University
Press, 1939.
Silberling, N. J.s The Dynamics of Business. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1943*
Terborgh, Georges Dynamic Equipment Policy» Chicago, Machinery & Allied
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Stability of Private Investment /Hearings, 8lst Congress, 1st
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Review of Economic Statistics, XXVIII, Aug. 1946.
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American Economic Review, Supplement, JCXXII, June 1942.
Bogen, Jules and others1 "Stimulating investment in equity securities,*1
American Economic Review, Supplement, XL^ 1950.
Caplajx, B.T "Reinvestment and the rate of interest/1 American Economic
Review,, XXX, 1940, pp. 56I-68.
Crum, W. L, (chmru)s "Income and capital formation," American Economic
Review^ Supplement, XXIX, 1939.
Deibler, F. &• (chmn,)% "The effects of industrial and technological
developments upon capital formation," American Economic Review,
XXIX, 1939.
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income and employment/1 Journal of Political Economy, LV,
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"Corporate retained earnings and cyclical fluctuations,"
American Economic Review, XXXV, Sept. 1945, pp. 559-74.
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XXVIII, Jan. 1950, pp. 33-41.
Einarsen, J.: "Reinvestment cycles," Review of Economic Statistics,
XX, Feb. 1937, PP- 1-10•
E&ekiel, M*s "Savings constimption^ and investment," American Economic
Review, XXXII, March-June 1942, pp. 22-49, 272-307; comments
by I. Friend and G. Fulcher, ibid., Dec. 1942/ pp. 829-40.
Friend^ Iirwins "Business financing in the postwar period," Survey of
Current Business, Mar. 1948,
Froehlich, W«: "Income determination and investment," American Economic
Review, XXXVIII, .Mar. 1948, pp. 78-91.
Gilbert^ R, V. and V. Perlo: "The investment factor method of forecasting
business activity," Econometrica, X, July-Oct* 1942.
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New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1939*
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~ ~
and George Jaszis "The 1945 White Paper on National Income
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Economic Journal, L, 1940, pp. 6O-5»
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— —
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_ _ _
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Journal of Economics, LIII, May 1944, pp* 438-60 and LX, Nov. 1945,
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XXXVII, June 1947, PP* 397-201.
« - — — — - — _ - _ _
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Seligman, H. L.: "The problem of excessive commercial "bank earnings,"
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Shoup, Carl S.: "Postwar Federal interest charge," American Economic Review,
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Simmons, E. C.: "Federal Reserve policy and the national debt during the war
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The i*ole 6? selective credit control in monetary management,"
American Economic Review, XXXVII, Sept, 1947.
_ ~ ~ ~
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Smith, T. and R. E. Hengren: "Bank capital: the problem restated," Journal
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Sproul, Allan: "Monetary management and credit control," American Economic
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Journal, XII, July 1946.
Thomas, Woodlief: "The heritage of war finance," American Economic Review,
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"Problems of our domestic money and banking system,"
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Wickens, Aryness J*: "The public debt and national income," American Economic
Review, Supplement, XXXVII, May 1947, pp. 184-91.
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Supplement, XXXVII, May 1947, pp. 157-83.

Wright, D. M o : "Moult onss !The New Philosophy of Public Debt,1" American
Economic Reviewf XXXIII, Sept. 1943 * pp. 573-90; comments by :, ^
E, G. Moult on and Wright's reply, Ibid., XXXIV, Mar. 1944, pp. 116-21.
"The economic limit and economic burden of an internally
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Keynes' Short-Run

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' "•:... .;
' •.
~ ~
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I. Cambridge, Graduate School of Public Administration, 1940,
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"Wage reductions and employment," Southern Economic
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1947, PP. 438-55.
Slichter, S. Ho: "Wage-price policy and employment," American Economic Review,
Supplement, XXXVI, May 1946, pp. 304-18.
i others: "Symposium--Wage Policy," Review of Economic
Statistics, XXIX, Aug. 1947, pp. 139-59

40 e

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Timlin, Mabels "General equilibrium analysis and public policy," Canadian
Journal of Economics & Political Science, XII, NoVo 1946, pp. 483-95:
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Walker, E. Ro: "Wages policy and business cycles," International Labor Review,
XHtflll, Bee. 1938.
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Worswick, G«D«N« and Ko Martin: "Prices and wages policy," Bulletin of the
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Problems of Economic Growth and Maturity
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^__^ w _
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Reed, H» L.: "Economists on industrial stagnation," Journal of Political
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Staehle, Hc: "Employment in relation to technical progress,*1 Review of
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43 o
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Robinson, Joan^ "Mr. Harrod?s dynamics," Economic Journal, L1X, Mar, 1949*
Schelling, T o Sc,: "Capital growth and equilibrium," American Economic Review,
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Program for World Economic Development
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_{ ,
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" ™


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— _^__^ — ^___

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Business, XXII, Apr. 1949, pp. 83-91.
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Postwar Economicffdlicies— Foreign Experiences
1. TPhe British Case
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Reconstruction Policies in Other Countries

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